原帖由 Vaio 於 26-2-2008 03:05 PM 發表
Based on your price quote, seems you are target for the non IS version
by a happy owner of 70-200 F4L IS and probably soon will add the 100mm F2.8 Macro
As you may know, IS verson is $4000 more.....
But, for all the report I had read, there's not much different in between......
100mm F2.8 Marco, Within $4000, it's a buget buy!
However,  some people don't like the noisy motor (not USM), and then the ring is reverse direction compare to the Canon's
I almost bought it but then decide to get the 17-40 F4L
as a lot of big bro said, everyone has their own preference,  if you test it and like it, go for it. There is always a lens that will match your need!  
for myself,  I always like sigma too,  but really also look into the Tamaron 90mm Macro. 
原帖由 聖鬥士星矢 於 27-2-2008 04:20 AM 發表 A16有咩唔好.....................我等緊A16II...................希望到時唔好咁貴