The color would not be shiny.
I would use the color similar to those used in SHE toys.
Simple silver color only.
Ya, I recognize that SHE products are rarely shiny
I hope that would do something similar to metallic Shin getter on Cybaster....making it in pearl white colour....
Ya, I recognize that SHE products are rarely shiny
I hope that would do something similar to metallic Shin getter on Cybaster....making it in pearl white ...
Even D. Nova is having pearl white and silver powder in paint, the sword is still plain silver in color.
That's is the tradition. So the choice of silver color is really troublesome.
Even D. Nova is having pearl white and silver powder in paint, the sword is still plain silver in color.
That's is the tradition. So the choice of silver color is really troublesome.
It is very difficult to find a board sword with significant length.
If you look carefully at the sword of MAX Godannar, you will have that the sword is having one sided blade only.
So Japanese s ...
I think the colour of the blade now is still OK now~~
I think you do not need to print it in this stage.
It is very difficult to find a board sword with significant length.
If you look carefully at the sword of MAX Godannar, you will have that the sword is having one sided blade only.
So Japanese s ...