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[Hot Toys] Hot Toys Summer Showcase 2022 - 三款1:6限定珍藏人偶登場

發表於 6-7-2022 16:50:16 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式

【最具人氣 Marvel 電影、Star Wars 漫畫及人氣科幻電影角色 三款1:6比例期間限定版珍藏人偶限量登場】

今個盛夏, Hot Toys 呈獻 ─ 年度盛事「Hot Toys Summer Showcase 大型珍藏人偶展覽」活動再度登陸Hot Toys Echo Base @ Fashion Walk,將於7月14日至8月7日舉行,與粉絲一同分享Hot Toys 最新珍藏人偶新品!適逢Marvel Studios《雷神奇俠4: 愛與雷霆》電影於今天上映,Hot Toys將Fashion Walk中庭打造成《雷神奇俠4: 愛與雷霆》電影場景,全球首次展出最新Hot Toys雷神奇俠雕塑級1:1原大雕像,雷神奇俠擺出騰空跳躍姿態,揮出雷神之鎚,氣勢非凡,配合LED雷電特效裝置,凝聚極級雷電,將電影場節的壓迫感活現眼前,為「Hot Toys Summer Showcase 大型珍藏人偶展覽」活動展開前哨戰!

同時,Hot Toys搶先推出三款勢必全面掀起瘋狂搶購熱浪的Hot Toys 1:6比例 期間限定版 珍藏人偶,並鐵定於今日起接受預訂!

1. MARVEL 電影《復仇者聯盟4: 終局之戰》鐵甲奇俠Mark LXXXV (全息影像版) 1:6比例合金珍藏人偶 [限量1000套] <預訂>

2. STAR WARS漫畫《星球大戰》波巴費特 (Arena Suit) 1:6比例珍藏人偶 [限量300套] <現貨>

3. 《22世紀殺人網絡復活次元》Neo 1:6比例珍藏人偶 [限量500套] <預訂>

預訂詳情: 【先到先得,訂完即止】
- 2022年7月6日(星期三):所有Toy Hunters 、Secret Base 及 Star Wars Hot Toys Collector Council (只限星球大戰人偶)會員優先預訂日
- 2022年7月7日(星期四)起:公開預訂
預訂地點:  Hot Toys Echo Base - 香港銅鑼灣Fashion Walk百德新街地下12-14號舖

「Hot Toys Summer Showcase 2022大型珍藏人偶展覽」
地點:Hot Toys Echo Base - 香港銅鑼灣Fashion Walk百德新街地下12-14號舖

 樓主| 發表於 6-7-2022 16:53:03 | 顯示全部樓層
【Avengers: Endgame - 1/6th scale Iron Man Mark LXXXV (Holographic Version) Collectible Figure [Toy Fair exclusive]】

Iron Man Mark LXXXV is the most advanced and powerful armor Tony Stark has ever created. It’s a special armor that gives Stark superhuman strength, durability, flight, and a variety of high-tech weapons.

Inspired by the design of Tony Stark’s very last Iron Man suit in MCU, Hot Toys is excited to present the Holographic Version of Iron Man Mark LXXXV 1/6th scale collectible figure in metallic blue as this year’s toy fair exclusive item only available in selected markets.

Masterfully crafted based on Iron Man Mark LXXXV in Avengers: Endgame, the diecast figure giving the armor a holographic twist features a helmet head with LED-light up function, intricate design of the Iron Man armor reproduced in blue accent with a metallic appearance, LED light-up functions scattered throughout the upper body, back and Arc Reactor on chest, highly-detailed weapons including Nano Lightning Refocuser, energy blade, Katar and a pair of Nano Repulsor Cannons, interchangeable hands, and specially designed figure stand.

This holographic version of Iron Man will surely stand out in your Hall of Armors collection!

 樓主| 發表於 6-7-2022 16:57:07 | 顯示全部樓層
【Star Wars™ - 1/6th scale Boba Fett™ (Arena Suit) Collectible Figure [Toy Fair exclusive]】

infamous bounty hunter before he can deliver the frozen-in-carbonite Han Solo™  to Jabba the Hutt™, Boba Fett’s journey has not been smooth as he is forced to hide his identity to fight in dangerous arena battles…

Inspired by this story of Boba Fett’s adventure, Hot Toys is delighted to present today a new 1/6th scale Boba Fett (Arena Suit) collectible figure as a toy fair exclusive item for select markets!  

The collectible figure is skillfully crafted with all-black Mandalorian helmet and armor, a black jumpsuit, a jetpack, a spear, a pair of blaster pistols, a blaster rifle, and a display base!

This unique look of Boba Fett will surely be a great addition for any Star Wars collectors!

 樓主| 發表於 6-7-2022 17:00:10 | 顯示全部樓層
【The Matrix Resurrections - 1/6th scale Neo Collectible Figure [Toy Fair exclusive]】

“I still know Kung Fu.” – Neo

Neo was forced into a false reality by The Analyst, and believes himself to be the game designer named Thomas Anderson, who designed a series of Matrix video games that are based on Neo’s own memories. When Neo is first woken up to who he is, his powers as The One doesn’t immediately manifest, making it unclear if perhaps his death and rebirth caused them to fade.

Renowned actor Keanu Reeves has reprised his role of Neo for the fourth instalment of the franchise, The Matrix Resurrections, and we are very excited to unveil this legendary character as 1/6th scale Neo collectible figure as the Toy Fair Exclusive item available only in selected markets.

Faithfully crafted based on the appearance of Keanu Reeves as Neo in The Matrix Resurrections, the figure features a newly developed head sculpt and hair sculpture highlighting impressive likeness; the iconic long coat and form-fitting outfit with fine tailoring; an array of highly-detailed accessories including a pair of sunglasses, a bottle of pills, bullets with interchangeable waves effect, two-sided backdrop with mirror and frame, a matrix video game themed backdrop with lenticular effect, interchangeable hands with blue pills and red pills, and a figure stand.

Reserve space for this amazing 1/6th scale Neo collectible figure in your reality collection now!

發表於 6-7-2022 17:34:21 來自手機 | 顯示全部樓層
發表於 6-7-2022 20:37:48 | 顯示全部樓層
非常慶幸, 可以不理!

發表於 6-7-2022 21:07:29 | 顯示全部樓層
殺神 4
發表於 7-7-2022 10:24:23 | 顯示全部樓層
老實人 發表於 6-7-2022 05:34 PM

發表於 7-7-2022 11:32:25 | 顯示全部樓層
HT 已經忘記了 p仔了嗎? 好多年冇再係任何限定event or 動漫3寶度出了.....
發表於 7-7-2022 13:42:23 | 顯示全部樓層
發表於 7-7-2022 16:47:36 來自手機 | 顯示全部樓層
denniskwong 發表於 7-7-2022 11:32 AM
HT 已經忘記了 p仔了嗎? 好多年冇再係任何限定event or 動漫3寶度出了.....

當年出過the predator 2018 樣版,但無咩聲氣。仲有永遠不齊人的三兄弟,chopper predator 。p仔非主流,賣唔到錢,冷門
發表於 8-7-2022 09:50:08 | 顯示全部樓層
windowxp 發表於 7-7-2022 04:47 PM
當年出過the predator 2018 樣版,但無咩聲氣。仲有永遠不齊人的三兄弟,chopper predator 。p仔非主流, ...

心酸, 以前動漫3寶, 什麼 guardian predator 果期, 記憶p仔永遠都係一開就搶晒, 定係我記錯?
e+乜都擺晒落 marvel 度...
發表於 8-7-2022 20:05:40 來自手機 | 顯示全部樓層
 樓主| 發表於 13-7-2022 18:34:32 | 顯示全部樓層

【15.7 搶先預訂4款珍藏版人偶(Phase 1) 特別版附送珍藏配件 勢必掀起收藏熱潮】

今個盛夏, Hot Toys 呈獻 ─ 年度盛事「Hot Toys Summer Showcase 2022 大型珍藏人偶展覽」 活動將於明天登陸Hot Toys Echo Base @ Fashion Walk!今年,Hot Toys 強勢集結本年度最新與具人氣電影與劇集的珍藏人偶作品,包括: MARVEL 最新上映的《雷神奇俠4: 愛與雷霆》電影及人氣電影《蜘蛛俠: 不戰無歸》糸列;STAR WARS 炙手可熱《歐比王肯諾比》;DC Comics《蝙蝠俠1989》經典珍藏糸列等等,屆時更全球率先展出Hot Toys一系列1:1、1:4、1:6比例珍藏人偶、載具珍藏品及COSBABY迷你珍藏人偶新品!Hot Toys 現發佈4款會場搶先預訂的珍藏版人偶(Phase 1) 及一系列 COSBABY、COSBI、電影精品現貨新品,珍藏版人偶(Phase 2) 即將登場,敬請期待!

【15.7 搶先預訂4款珍藏版人偶 @Echo Base & Secret Base】
1. 《蜘蛛俠2: 決戰電魔》驚奇蜘蛛俠1:6比例珍藏人偶
2.【期間限定 15.7 - 20.7】組合價預訂:《蜘蛛俠2: 決戰電魔》驚奇蜘蛛俠1:6比例珍藏人偶 +《蜘蛛俠: 不戰無歸》蜥蜴人1:6比例情景地台
3. 《變種特攻:未來同盟戰》狼人(1973年版本) 1:6比例珍藏人偶 (豪華/標準版) (特別版)
4. 《歐比王肯諾比》歐比王肯諾比1:6比例珍藏人偶 (特別版)

 樓主| 發表於 13-7-2022 18:43:52 | 顯示全部樓層


除了一系列1:6比例珍藏人偶外,Hot Toys將於7月15日發售全新COSBABY、COSBI迷你珍藏人偶和電影精品,必買之選: 《復仇者聯盟4:終局之戰》鐵甲奇俠 Mark LXXXV (全息影像版)、《我是樹人》Cosbi 盲盒迷你珍藏人偶和《鐵甲奇俠3》Cosbi 盲盒迷你珍藏人偶 (共8個基本款及1個神秘款),絕對是收藏家與潮人必購之物!更驚喜是Hot Toys 預備了超過20款Hot Toys 新品供粉絲們搶購,當中矚目商品包括: 三眼仔連宇宙飛船、蝙蝠俠連蝙蝠電單車、蝙蝠俠連蝙蝠飛鏢和蝙蝠俠共4款特別顏色版 COSBABY 迷你珍藏人偶、《我是樹人》COSBABY 迷你珍藏人偶、《蜘蛛俠: 不戰無歸》和《迪士尼公主》Cosbi 盲盒迷你珍藏人偶,更有鐵甲奇俠和蜘蛛俠雙層玻璃牙籤筒、《我是樹人》長柄雨傘和《蜘蛛俠: 不戰無歸》三代蜘蛛俠圖像Tee的電影精品等等,數量有限,售完即止。
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