While failed miserably finding this guy locally, I managed to snatch one on ebay at original price plus shipping. Added a rough dirt wash, this Rescue Ratchet turned out pretty sweet. In terms of the figure, its a great voyager class design. No tricky bits on transformation and easy to remember. The robot while pretty chunky, is very poseable. I was skeptical when people mentioned this, but I finally see it for myself. He can pose very well, and excellent balance in moderate poses. The cockpit is a bit flimpsy in vehicle mode, but not super bad. Another good one from the TF Movie bunch.
However, when it comes to QC, man...its terrible on the one I got. Both upper arm swivel is super loose. Loose right hip joint, as well as right knee. That knee doesn't even ratchet like the left. Also half of the rear bumper piece is also very loose. Seems like there is a lot of issue in parts fitment. Not to mentioned a badly glued rear mirror on one side. Thanks Hasbro. Great work right there! Luckily, almost all those pieces can be easily disassembled and fixed. Now its a lot more solid. So bottom line, great figure, bad QC.

Hissatsu! Ratchet KIIIIIIIIICK!!! :DD