normal 開始 control 到 ...
but hard 好難玩 ... 依然係俾人 rape ....:no:
爆一個人物開多 d 人 ~
我要 saberlion ~~~~ :*:*
士郎 normal -> 依利亞
maybe i will think about getting 特盛版行貨 .....:oh:
i have to save up $ to buy ALTER Shinku, Saber Lion cospa bag and MOVIA Fate Testarrosa......:ice: a very hard month for me:die:
yes ar....but busy for the last few days......didn't have the time to go out.......going out back with A PSP FATE STAY NIGHT ........orz!!!!!
i work at my dad's office.....tiny family business..... so time is very unstable...........for example.i worked until 5 am yesterday....... and somtimes..i start my work at 3pm
anyways....back from MK
bought....HK ver.....and picked up ALTER shinku
:die: since i went out this afternoon.....i don't think i have time to play tonight......:die: