Took me a couple hours to touch up the eyes and small surgeries to fix any looser joints (they are still pretty tight, just not evenly tight on both sides), gave more shape to the eye upper lashes and break the black outline with some white in the inner corner of both eyes closest to the nose. Look a bit closer to the manga now and less of the typical 'outline eyes' from Medicom.

After the minor eyes touch up, I went ahead and add some foam padding under the shoulder armor, so it won't droop as much and sits straighter like it should in the manga and anime, instead of the very round shoulders that the figure originally looks. Also repainted the boots to a darker brown that matches the belt, as the pair of boots I got was a bit too light on the weathering compare to the darker ones I see people get online. Stands out too much. So makes it darker and blends more. All it takes is a real touch gundam marker, some light smudging for the weathered leather look, and sealing it with a clear coat. Quite happy with how it turned out.
