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[分享討論] 大家討論下Suicide Squad 到底好唔好睇??? (小劇通)

發表於 8-8-2016 09:38:56 | 顯示全部樓層
icyhugs 發表於 7-8-2016 11:49 PM
Yup, I found myself attracted to Diablo. I think the movie has Deadshot, Harley and Diablo as the  ...

I think they are all bad guys but not "pure evil". I mean, like Waller said, she controls her team by controlling their weakness. Like Deadshot, he is a killer but he doesn't kill women or children and what he did is for her daughter. Also like you said Diablo couldn't control his power and killed his family by accident so he decided npt to use it anymore. On the other hand Joker can never be a SS member as there is nothing to "hold" him. (ie you cannot control him).

To be honest if the team is formed to avoid " another superman flying to White House and grab the President" , this team is kind of weak (most of them rely on guns rather than super powers) But I understand that if the superpower is to great it would be difficult to control. (just like how Enchantress lose control and cause all the problem)  

I saw from web there were at least 10 mins scence of Joker beng cut and not included in the movie (some of them we can actually see from trailer) also there was suppose to have extra scenes to "strengthen" the backstory of each member, so I think there will be a "ultimate edition" when the blu ray is released.
發表於 8-8-2016 10:56:36 | 顯示全部樓層
發表於 8-8-2016 11:35:30 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 tarotaro 於 8-8-2016 11:36 AM 編輯

發表於 8-8-2016 21:50:35 | 顯示全部樓層
jeffloh 發表於 8-8-2016 09:38 AM
I think they are all bad guys but not "pure evil". I mean, like Waller said, she controls her team ...

Totally agree with u, their power not only haven’t enough to fight with superman and witch.. But also they can’t against with a team of normal solider with full army.
發表於 9-8-2016 01:49:19 | 顯示全部樓層
jeffloh 發表於 8-8-2016 09:38 AM
I think they are all bad guys but not "pure evil". I mean, like Waller said, she controls her team ...

I agree with u on the SS could not do their original aim: kick a new superman's @$$ if he join the dark side. The Enchantress was supposed to be the wildcat since magic is his weakness. But well,Enchantress is no Sailor Moon XD She would not help u XD
發表於 9-8-2016 10:40:17 | 顯示全部樓層
icyhugs 發表於 9-8-2016 01:49 AM
I agree with u on the SS could not do their original aim: kick a new superman's @$$ if he join the ...

I think it's already hard to catch the metahumans and at the same time force them to join the team, so in some way of speaking, there's nt much people they can choose from. But we all know that it is the "suicide" squad so we all know the members can die and change any time. Maye SS2  can introduce Killer Frost or Deathstroke etc.

I think Joker is very lucky as Batman decided not to kill anymore after the death of Superman, otherwise he just blow up his car during the car chase~~ XD (you can see batman took away the gun from the batmobile)
發表於 9-8-2016 10:40:22 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 Drive 於 9-8-2016 10:44 AM 編輯

今套戲內主要有7個人, 需要交代一下各人物的背景算有交代, 對一些唔清楚 S.S 故事的來講, 總算係一部完正作品, 期待下一集蝙蝠仔, 超人等等 ......  聯盟成 J.L 后, 可怎樣 KO 班 S.S + Joker.
發表於 9-8-2016 11:20:56 | 顯示全部樓層
有無人留意到介紹harvley quinn時講佢有份殺死robin??
發表於 10-8-2016 02:00:33 | 顯示全部樓層
jeffloh 發表於 9-8-2016 11:20 AM
有無人留意到介紹harvley quinn時講佢有份殺死robin??

Yup. Much different from the comics where the 2nd Robin Jason was killed by Joker alone. But I still think the SS Joker is Robin Winter Soldier-lized XDDDD There are 3 Jokers after the DC Rebirth which makes the Joker seems to be immortal for all the continuity mess
發表於 10-8-2016 10:41:48 | 顯示全部樓層
icyhugs 發表於 10-8-2016 02:00 AM
Yup. Much different from the comics where the 2nd Robin Jason was killed by Joker alone. But I sti ...

David Ayer already said Joker is not Jason Todd. Actually I prefer this way as I want Joker to be more mysterious, ie someone who might never reveal who he actually is, rather than a particular guy that we know.

I think the "3 jokers" in the comic is a way to say that the timeline has been modified/played, as you can see Batman has a letter from his father (in Flashpoint universe) so it's a proof that multiverse exist and somehow part of them has merged. (hence 3 jokers from different "Earth" all come together in the same Earth. Of course it is not possible to explain everything in a logical way, as if you ask why Batman never gets old throughout this 75 years even though te 3 jokers represent three different era, the answer must be "It's just a comic~~"
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