Completely understand you point of view, but wouldn't it better to have an additional switch for the light? As I would imagine not everyone would like to have the light switched on automatically. I guess it would be nice to have it as an additional feature with override ability with a switch.
hscha3 發表於 13-2-2016 09:34 PM
Completely understand you point of view, but wouldn't it better to have an additional switch for the ...
please check it out, additional switch or take of the auto on function? that is two different things. If you are saying a additional switch with the auto on function? yeah that will be pretty damn nice. But come on, now is take away the auto on and replace by a normal switch man.....
linglingkei 發表於 13-2-2016 09:42 PM
please check it out, additional switch or take of the auto on function? that is two different thin ...
yeah right.. it's a bloody rip off but I guess most collectors in overseas would buy it anyway because the quality is still far ahead of sideshow and other companies.. haha