[Hot Toys] 1/6 Thor 雷神 figure Avengers: Age of Ultron
Hot Toys今天隆重推出令人引頸以待的雷神1:6比例珍藏人偶。雷神在今集電影中,運用雷霆戰鎚(Mjolnir)引發雷電激活幻視,最終幻視協助復仇者聯盟擊敗奧創,成為全片關鍵! 此款珍藏人偶備有全新打造的頭雕、健碩身型的肌肉包膠素體、細緻剪裁的戰鬥服、一把LED發光雷霆戰鎚與一把金屬雷霆戰鎚連仿電光效果、以及特別設計地台。 今次令粉絲極為驚喜的,就是Hot Toys首度引用擴增實景技術(Augmented Reality; 簡稱: AR)設計出可透過即將推出的iOS及Android智能手機App程式,於畫面上活現雷神擊敗奧創士兵軍團的虛擬影像。相信這個嶄新擴增實景技術,定會讓粉絲充分享受到與珍藏人偶進行的互動體驗! 各位粉絲不要錯過機會集齊一隊復仇者聯盟珍藏人偶! The newly introduced Avengers: Age of Ultron: 1/6th scale Thor Collectible Figure is now taking pre-orders! Customers can come to Hot Toys' Hong Kong Official Store - Secret Base to pre-order starting today! Note: Hot Toys Limited & Secret Base reserve the rights for final decision of the above terms & conditions if changes occur.
The 1/6th scale Thor Collectible Figure specially features:
- Newly developed head sculpt with authentic and detailed likeness of Chris Hemsworth as Thor in Avengers: Age of Ultron
- Movie-accurate facial expression with detailed wrinkles, skin texture and beard
- Blonde hair sculpture
- Muscular body with over 30 points of articulations and seamless elbow joints
- Approximately 32 cm tall
- Four (4) pair of interchangeable palms including:
- One (1) pair of fists
- One (1) pair of relaxed palms
- One (1) pair of open palms
- One (1) pair for holding Mjolnir
- Each piece of head sculpt is specially hand-painted
- One (1) red-colored cape
- One (1) upper body armor with silver-colored circle plates
- One (1) pair of black and metal-colored colored forearm armor
- One (1) pair of black pants with patterned design on sides
- One (1) pair of black and metal-colored boots
- One (1) authentic metal Mjolnir with patterned handle and leather-like strap
- One (1) LED light-up Mjolnir with patterned handle and leather-like strap (Battery operated)
- One (1) Mjolnir lightning effect accessory
- Specially-designed figure stand with Thor nameplate and the movie logo (can be used to create 3D augmented reality scenes with the use of an exclusive iOS/Android application)
Release date: Q4, 2015 – Q1, 2016
**Prototype shown, final product may be slightly different
**Avengers: Age of Ultron AR Experience by Hot Toys will be available on iOS & Android.
**Product details can subject to change without further notice
c 2015 Marvel.
c 2015 Hot Toys Limited. All Rights Reserved

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