小弟在日網”NY” PRE-ORDER遇到以下不快事件要同各師兄分享, 日後要各位小心這日網:
小弟在4月13日看到”NY”日網注明4月14日JST 13:00 開訂獅子座神聖衣價錢YEN$9,680, 於是我就向4月14日香港時間12:05成功PRE-ORDER了一隻連運費共YEN$11,610並且即時收到了PAYPAL之貨款通知單注明也是YEN$11,610(已發了款), 棯住安心等收貨, 之後我在12:54收到了”NY”發過來的Order confirmation注明是貨款連運費是YEN$16,930, 於是我即時send message去”NY”既customer support問到底發生咩事, 佢就14:43答我: After verification, a bug happened. Inf act, when we modified the price at the same time you make your order. It's why your order show the correct amount but you pay a wrong price. You will have to pay the difference between what you already paid and the real amount, after your order will be update, 之後就收到佢地send email比我一張PAYPAL 單要我比返差額YEN$5,320. 我即時興過火屎, 立即send 返message比佢地話我唔接受差額並且要求原價比返我. 再之後覆我原價的貨已沒有, 如我不接受補差額就refund貨款比我同Cancel order.
向呢件事黎講, 我覺得佢地坐地起價, 我當時用PAYPAL即時比錢的! 我已打了去PAYPAL請佢地幫手處理這事, 稍後再同大家分享!