(1)運費是否好貴呀? If heavy then yes
(2)若day 1 成功投得玩具,多少天送到香港呢? it depends. Witin a month.
(3)若用ems收費送來,運費是否好貴?? if not too heavy then around JPY3000
(4)是否只得buyee 網站才可bit 日本雅虎產品呢??仲有沒有其他手續費較平的途徑呢?? buyee is the most convenience way as you can bit like in Yxhoo HK
(5)在這buyee 各位有沒有心得呢?? I used them for times and they are very nice to answer all questions. So far no problem at all.
不好意思,各位大大,小弟早兩天成功登記,及買了兩件舊玩具,各3700 日元和1700日元(已經包括各200日元和500日元的手續費啦),不太重的(運費未通知幾多),因BUYEE 組合為一張單另外收取500日元,想問各位我今次把兩件舊玩具各自分開送來定組合一張單的全部運費較為化算呢??thank you