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[3A/ threezero] 3AVOX - 3AA 2014 MEMBERSHIP SET

發表於 14-1-2014 12:59:06 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 toms110 於 14-1-2014 01:00 PM 編輯
但佢個設計真係無褲著,如果細心的師兄應該會發現這條女經常出現係tk件t-shir ...
月心 發表於 13-1-2014 12:52 PM

好多TK既T shirt都係著印住呢個太空女既圖案(1:1 T-shirt都係), 而佢下面仲有毛髮同有水漏出黎添, 但係到而家出1/6, 係咪應該微調一下, 改一改呢? 而家無褲著我唔覺得係原汁原味, 只覺係求其囉:45:
發表於 14-1-2014 15:57:35 | 顯示全部樓層
回復 33# toms110

發表於 14-1-2014 16:20:37 | 顯示全部樓層
好多TK既T shirt都係著印住呢個太空女既圖案(1:1 T-shirt都係), 而佢下面仲有毛髮同有水漏出黎添, 但係到 ...
toms110 發表於 14-1-2014 12:59 PM

發表於 14-1-2014 16:49:35 | 顯示全部樓層
回復 35# Oldcat

Yes. I agree with you. I have kid in the house. If i purchase the membership. I don't
know want to display it out or not.
發表於 14-1-2014 17:54:58 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 出前一丁 於 14-1-2014 07:37 PM 編輯



發表於 14-1-2014 18:04:34 | 顯示全部樓層
我覺得當比US$200買隻figure都OK, 反而係黎繄無咩figure會有興趣. 我又唔怕figure唔見得人, 可能因為佢本身係白色似雕塑, 而且都無"detail位"都無咩好睇 XD (不過到目前都偏向唔join member)
發表於 15-1-2014 00:05:17 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 fireball91 於 15-1-2014 12:08 AM 編輯

我都好同意以上師兄的意見,但這裡是個討論平枱,各人有各人意見,當大家說明天入不入3A做會員,就會有個3A人出現,每次大家說買不到3A那些產品,他就發儍話人是 抄家,每次討論3A的不事,他都會出現,其實你這麼做,明眼人都知你想點!最經典經是連菲律賓風災都有他份,那些捐款去了那裏又唔見你講?:58: ( ... 26amp%3Btypeid%3D57)。做打👋都不要那麼明顯!
 樓主| 發表於 15-1-2014 10:17:35 | 顯示全部樓層
From WO3A ... 291anlriiyzcgmgedon

January 15, 2014
Special day for 3A, and me, this isnt a job, nor a way to kill time waiting for this or that, its part of my life that I basically give all too! When I was starting out I wanted to be a comic artist bad, that was the goal, then as i moved along illustration began to grow and join comics, then what is known as fineart, popart whatever art was a path that took an important and urgent role. In-between all that a desire to make stuff was always bubbling away and when the opportunity to produce toys and other stuffs without the normal constraints was offered they became a large part of my creative canon also.

I realize now that it doesn't matter if I'm making a comic, a painting a toy, they all are bricks of equal importance in the wall I'm making against the tide of bullshit and mediocrity that I see around me, also a great way yo tell stories or get across an ideal etc. Thats my job, to make that wall that most will probably forget or be too small to stem the tide, but that's the romance of it, trying, even if its against the odds!

I want to thanks Kim , my biz partner in 3A, never has he said wait up ash, or maybe thats too much or going to far, he has supported my shit from the beginning without question, thats a rare thing and Im lucky to have it !

Back to listening to the New Order live at Bestival, its good show, and if you fancy join 3AA, the waters warm and the beer is cold.
發表於 15-1-2014 10:40:33 | 顯示全部樓層
我都好同意以上師兄的意見,但這裡是個討論平枱,各人有各人意見,當大家說明天入不入3A做會員,就會 ...
fireball91 發表於 15-1-2014 12:05 AM

其實佢應該只係hardcore fans..
發表於 15-1-2014 11:19:10 | 顯示全部樓層
呢兩年D 3AA 會員禮根本炒唔起,炒家一肚氣。

但今年隻 figure 好鍾意,所以會續會。而且佢出 Bertie MK2, Ironman, Judge Dredd 我又會入,有15% off 係唔錯。否則你去7仔訂其實都唔貴。

F5 就無謂浪費時間。但我 like 佢唔使去 MK 訂,又要去提貨,直送屋企,HT 應該學吓。好過唔知幾多千萬買全層做鋪啦。

如果對呢隻無興趣就最好唔好入會,因為3AA ver 係香港或淘佬好易買到。
發表於 15-1-2014 11:24:35 | 顯示全部樓層
Value for money 一定係 HT sure win, 但根本完全唔同風格,我就兩樣都有入。最可惜 15% off 唔用於Threezero 出品,否則會好抵!

我覺得最少比 EB 一年會員好得多。
發表於 15-1-2014 11:33:57 | 顯示全部樓層
Value for money 一定係 HT sure win, 但根本完全唔同風格,我就兩樣都有入。最可惜 15% off 唔用於Threeze ...
RRAAYY 發表於 15-1-2014 11:24 AM

oh原來有分別! 我仲以為15%discount可以訂metal gear, ironman等系列. (我未玩過3A figure真係唔識分)
發表於 15-1-2014 11:37:47 | 顯示全部樓層
回復 42# RRAAYY

想問大大那裡得知今年3A會出乜o野, 今年會出lost planet嗎?
發表於 15-1-2014 11:57:51 | 顯示全部樓層
呢兩年D 3AA 會員禮根本炒唔起,炒家一肚氣。

但今年隻 figure 好鍾意,所以會續會。而且佢出 Bertie MK ...
RRAAYY 發表於 15-1-2014 11:19 AM

黎緊TKLUB同AKLUB都每個會員限買一隻, 可能谷一谷
發表於 15-1-2014 11:58:53 | 顯示全部樓層
回復 44# jeffloh

    metal gear同ironman係可以, 同埋real steel, halo, lost planet果D都係3A。
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