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[3A/ threezero] 3A Newsletter - VOX 4.4

發表於 11-5-2013 14:19:28 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
本帖最後由 terce 於 11-5-2013 02:23 PM 編輯

"Authorized to copy by ThreeA Toys Company and source is from 3A Newsletter"


In the previous newsletter, I was stoked to mention that the 3AA 2013 membership set had started shipping out, and now I'm happy to report that they all are fully shipped and should be with everyone soon. It's such a joy to see all the incredible pictures and reviews from you guys. I want to thank every past and current 3AA member for the support, without you behind our back such an ambitious set would never have been possible! It's such a great feeling to know that there is an army of you out there, who love and support what we do and what 3A stands for.

And this goes to all the new faces, who are just discovering 3A and perhaps reading the VOX newsletter for the first time, I want to thank you all for your interest in 3A and I hope to see you among the 3AA members in January 2014!

Ashley Wood hopped onto the 3A Forum recently to answer various questions from our Legionnaires:

Q: Will you be making female soldiers for the terrans & martians? Is War Nurse still in the plans?

Q: Modern Girls or Miss + Mrs news / updates?
A: Modern girls is going great, hopefully will have some photos soon, trying to get them into the SDCC catalogue.

Q: Any chance that FLEGION head gets used again? Or maybe more cyborgs?
A: I was thinking of making the Actual F Legion soldier, so yeah, I think a revisit is in the cards

Q: When we can expect more Bambabosses?
A: I'm sorry, I thought only I liked Bamba? I think a new one is needed!

Q: Is it possible that some of TKLUB releases will be in 1/6th and 1/12th scale, like Charkin?
A: mm that's a good idea, ok I'll think on that.

Q: New Kitty sculpt?
A: With the new Popbot figure

Q: What's the next two releases for 3A/Maschinen Krieger?
A: That;s easy they are ****************************************, I'm sure you guys will dig them. I'm excited to get to paint more box art in the Ma.K. world... quite the thrill!

Q: What are we going to see at SDCC from threeA this year?
A: Well we have two toys, they are *********************** and a ************************!

Q: Will threeA publishing release Adventures of Isobelle Pascha?
A: I have no idea what you're asking about...

Q: Possibility of doing Star Wars figures after Disney bought the license?
A: I hope so!

I hope you enjoyed reading the Q&A section, as much, as I did! I don't know whether it will be a regular section or coming & going (which is most likely), but if you like to see your question here, please send them to or use "Ask" thread at threeA forum.

Recently shipped out figures:
- HALO Spartan Mark V Commando
- Adventure Kartel Removalist 2pack
- HALO S-A259 Commander Carter Spartan-III
- Replacement boots to all AK Shit Weather Bleak Bambalandstore customers
- 3AA 2013 Membership Set

We plan to ship the following releases next week:
WWR Dropcloth 1.5U

And late May shipping plans for AP Shadow Tommy Mission.

3A Customer support: please remember, if you have any concerns or inquiries about your order from Bambaland, please do not hesitate to contact 3A customer support  at, join @3ASupport on Twitter or engage with 3AVOX page on Facebook

Ashley mentioned his artwork for Ma.K. in the Q+A above and here is a look at the final Ma.K. Krote packaging by Brent Ashe featuring the painting that Ashley mentioned.

On the left is the Bambaland Edition, in the middle is the Bambaland Exclusive Edition (the silver and white color Krote w/ the orange accents) and on the far right Retail Edition (the same darker Krote colorway as the Bambaland Edtion, but with a distinction in the packaging).

Shipping updates on these will be coming soon.

We are excited to offer the 3A x VALVe Portal 2 Atlas & P-body figures for pre-order in May. Below are the first official ads and images from 3A. Stay tuned for more info on the final pre-order date and prices!

The elusive Isobelle Pascha might make special appearance at Bambalandstore in May - for 3AA Members only though.

The Action Portable Ankou-EX 1/12th scale figures from Adventure Kartel are also on sale in May. Drown (shown on the far left) will be sold as a single and The Civil Offensive 3 will be sold as a box set.

On the 3A Production Blog, we recently revealed the first official photo of our collaboration with Marvel - THE INVINCIBLE IRON MAN in 1/6th scale.

Ashley Wood about articulated TK hands, which without a doubt open a new era of fun with posing your Tomorrow Kings figures:

Playing with some new articulated TK hands that just landed on my desk, threw them on a zomb (no TK handy) and I gotta say, said zomb took on more personality due to the hand gestures now possible. I can report the now default BIRD GESTURE works well!

And here is the full reveal of the Dead Astronaut Gangsta 1/6th scale figure from Adventure Kartel that was teased in the last 3AVOX newsletter

Photo of the month at 3A Forum by iHump

If you want your photo or 3A custom featured at VOX, please send your submissions to

I never grow tired of saying how we are fortunate to have so many passionate fans and collectors in every corner of the world. Our Legion members are known for organizing various meet-ups, gathering together to have fun and discuss toys & art.

This month, the ThreeA UK Legion have organized a great event to showcase their personal collection of various 3A toys, prints, books, box art and originals by Ashley Wood in London, starting from May 16 till May 26th. If you can make it there please stop by and check it out! By all means don't forget to take plenty of photos and send them my way, so I can share it with other 3AVOX readers, on the 3A Facebook page and on the 3A Forums.

Check out the flyer for more details on the event:

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As always, a big thanks to the 3A legion!

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發表於 12-5-2013 10:36:21 | 顯示全部樓層
i very like Portal 2, but 3A:60:
i pass
發表於 12-5-2013 12:51:38 | 顯示全部樓層
發表於 12-5-2013 17:45:36 | 顯示全部樓層
Portal 2    :71:
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