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[新品消息] Star wars 3.75" fans beware, 此帖係壞消息(?)

發表於 4-1-2013 11:10:40 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
本帖最後由 herculesanakin 於 4-1-2013 11:23 AM 編輯

根據外國網站JTA及報道, 今年新line "driod factory"/"legacy collection"將會胎死腹中! 即係未出先cancel!!
087-06-1380 $9.99
呀!! Mara, 真人rex, windu, 第二集anakin, padme:help:
發表於 4-1-2013 12:31:58 | 顯示全部樓層
即係邊幾隻? 即係今年都唔會出3.75"? :50:
 樓主| 發表於 4-1-2013 12:46:15 | 顯示全部樓層
回復 2# goldwater
第1wave款式: ... 7177&highlight=
據知會有, 黎梗有best selection vintage, 即re-issue一啲較hit嘅款! 但未知有冇行貨!
另外估計其實legacy雖然停line, 但啲3.75”應該已生產左, 所以可能以另一形式出!
純屬推測, 有待進一步消息!
發表於 4-1-2013 13:28:15 | 顯示全部樓層
無啦啦cancel...vintage佢重出果d我又有曬...者係今年冇star wars 玩:die:
 樓主| 發表於 4-1-2013 14:24:03 | 顯示全部樓層
回復 4# direngrey9
今年應該都會有嘅, 始終年尾有兩套3D版上映!
發表於 4-1-2013 15:28:23 | 顯示全部樓層
回復 5# herculesanakin

發表於 4-1-2013 21:25:07 | 顯示全部樓層
我不是星戰迷, luckily, I collected all those I wanted
發表於 4-1-2013 22:31:23 | 顯示全部樓層
The following characters will available in markets outside of the U.S.:

Wave 1
•Episode II Aayla Secura
•Episode III Clone Trooper (501st Legion)
•Episode VI Kithaba (Skiff Guard)
•Episode IV Dr. Evazan (Cantina Patron)
•Episode VI Wedge Antilles
•Episode II Barriss Offee (Jedi Padawan)
•Episode V Han Solo (Bespin Outfit)
•Episode IV Bom Vindin (Cantina Patron)
•EU ARC Trooper Commander
•Episode IV Rebel Fleet Trooper
•Episode VI Gamorrean Guard
•Episode VI Logray (Ewok Medicine Man)

Wave 2
•Episode I Jar Jar Binks
•Episode I Jar Jar Binks (Lost Line Look)
•Episode II Clone Trooper Lieutenant
•Episode II Clone Trooper Lieutenant (Lost Line Look)
•Episode III Shocktrooper
•Episode III Shocktrooper (Lost Line Look)
•Episode IV Sandtrooper
•Episode IV Sandtrooper (Lost Line Look)
•Episode V Princess Leia (Bespin Outfit)
•Episode V Princess Leia (Bespin Outfit) (Lost Line Look)
•Episode VI Darth Vader
•Episode VI Darth Vader (Lost Line Look)

發表於 4-1-2013 22:42:35 | 顯示全部樓層
 樓主| 發表於 4-1-2013 23:17:22 | 顯示全部樓層
回復 8# 韋小寶
SHXT!! Wt is the point of that!!??:50:
Not a single one from the wave of starkiller, they can end up their business!!
 樓主| 發表於 4-1-2013 23:22:09 | 顯示全部樓層
回復 9# quincy
For me, at least there is a good news from Lego!
小弟最愛嘅機種Republic Gunship將會於今年summer set推出!!
希望Hasbro亦會趁住EP2 3D版之勢番出3.75" Republic Gunship!!
發表於 4-1-2013 23:55:46 | 顯示全部樓層
想追番隻republic trooper, 睇黎冇機 :78:
發表於 5-1-2013 01:50:16 | 顯示全部樓層
Characters to be featured in the line include the following in the U.S. market:

•Episode I Darth Maul
•Episode VI Luke Skywalker (Lightsaber Contruction) – Deleted Scene figure
•CW Anakin Skywalker
•Episode IV Darth Vader
•Episode V Luke Skywalker (Hoth Outfit)
•Episode II Aayla Secura
•EU Nom Anor
•Episode III Clone Trooper (501st Legion)
•Episode VI Kithaba (Skiff Guard)
•Episode IV Dr. Evazan (Cantina Patron)
•Episode VI Wedge Antilles
•Episode II Barriss Offee (Jedi Padawan)
•Episode V Han Solo (Bespin Outfit)
•Episode IV Bom Vindin (Cantina Patron)
•EU ARC Trooper Commander
•Episode VI Logray (Ewok Medicine Man)
•Episode VI Gamorrean Guard
•Episode IV Rebel Fleet Trooper
•Episode III Odd Ball (Clone Pilot)
•Episode IV Grand Moff Tarkin
•Episode VI Nikto (Skiff Guard)
•EU Starkiller (Vader’s Apprentice)
•EU Shae Vizla (Old Republic Bounty Hunter)
發表於 5-1-2013 16:20:53 | 顯示全部樓層
EU 返出4隻, 都冇republic trooper :53:

等下隻Gamorrean Guard , 睇下有冇機先....:52:
發表於 5-1-2013 21:21:41 | 顯示全部樓層
EU Starkiller, EU Shae Vizla :handshake:
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