Toysdaily 玩具日報

樓主: Gretzky99

[Hot Toys] HT DX10 t-800 集中討論

發表於 11-11-2012 22:38:46 | 顯示全部樓層
有冇想遲D拎既CHING同我換單T_T. 我14號單....有排...
發表於 11-11-2012 22:41:00 | 顯示全部樓層
by the way~睇左咁多相~我自己覺得隻t800 ok~
發表於 12-11-2012 01:13:11 | 顯示全部樓層
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發表於 12-11-2012 02:12:16 | 顯示全部樓層
回復  Dr.AL
回復  ckc882000

我說我是Krypton星球人, 你信不信?......
APPLE5 發表於 12-11-2012 01:13 AM

零度戰姬呢d病態行為, 無非都係想引人注意, 比人鬧下, 

心理學家早前都有類似分折「由於求助者日常生活沉悶, 被人忽略, 渺視, 事業或學業沒有突出表現,  內心一直想找尋被重視, 刺激的快感。 但由於外表, 人格, 社交, 溝通等障礙, 加上個人性格極其內向, 又沒有勇氣於現實世界中表現內心的另一面, 所以只能在虛疑世界中建構一個虛假的理想角色, 以非常手法舒發其被壓抑住的欲望。建議患者或其親人早日帶他就醫, 以免進一步發展至抑鬱症或精神分裂症等精神病」佢越比人鬧得多, 就越興奮, 以取得自虐快感就好似sm狂咁.. 
發表於 12-11-2012 03:30:41 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 Macross長谷有洋 於 11-11-2012 11:37 AM 編輯

Let's focus on this new T800 figure, great clothing and accessories, but the head sculpt is weak.:67: :67: :67:

If you look at some Hot toys recent releases, both Ironman MK 1 ver2 and Red Skull have amazing head scuplt and looks much than this new DX T800... and for a 'DX' figure, I expect more from Hot Toys!

from Luka

from Dick.Po

form Plastic Enemies
發表於 12-11-2012 09:31:14 | 顯示全部樓層
零度戰姬呢d病態行為, 無非都係想引人注意, 比人鬧下, 

心理學家早前都有類似分折「由於求助者 ...
kofumanutd 發表於 12-11-2012 02:12 AM

戰姬毀容後戴面具做V煞,俾人做瓜左附身部apple 5
發表於 12-11-2012 10:37:44 | 顯示全部樓層
剛剛 email 左去 HT ............

Dear Sir / Madam,

I am one of the loyal Hot Toys supporters.  I have collected Hot Toys figures for several years.  As a Hong Kong citizen, I am so proud of your company playing a leading role in the 12" figure industries.  My wife and I were often amazed by the excellent quality of the Hot Toys figures.  

Unfortunately, we were somewhat disappointed by the quality of some figures in the past year, namely MMS156 Captain America, CMS 02 & 03 City Hunter figures, and the recently released DX12 Batman and DX10 Terminator T-800, etc.  I think all people will agree that the head sculpt is the most important part of the figure because it define the whole figure.  However, the final products of these figures are quite different from the sample photos.  We all understand that it is not possible for the final product to be exactly the same as the sample, and we use to receive a Hot Toys figure which is much better than the sample one.  Sadly, the head sculpts of the Captain America, DX10 T-800 and DX-12 Batman Bruce Wayne look much worse than the samples.  In other words, they are NOT UP TO VERY HIGH HOT TOYS STANDARD.  The two City Hunter figures are even worse.  The paint job is so bad resulting in total unlikelihood of these figures.

As a long term loyal supporter, I am always impressed by the great enthusiasm of your company in making great figures.  I believe most Hot Toys supporters are also enthusiastic about figures.  This is the reason why I write this mail to you.  I always believe that better communication can solve a lot of problems, and I trust that a leading company like yours would not easily ruin the high reputation built by Your Goodself.

I look forward to your positive reply soon.

Kind regards,
(VIP No. xxxx)
發表於 12-11-2012 10:43:33 | 顯示全部樓層
回復 367# Dr.AL
發表於 12-11-2012 11:18:25 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 papay 於 12-11-2012 11:31 AM 編輯

回復 367# Dr.AL

發表於 12-11-2012 13:03:37 | 顯示全部樓層
回復  Dr.AL

當初係依個forum留言只想表達吓及希望某公司法正視佢哋產品嘅問題,原來 ...
papay 發表於 12-11-2012 11:18 AM


其實認為公司的人一定會上forum 睇意見只係我地一湘情願,就算佢地真係會做亦唔代表每日都update,既然有正式途徑去俾意見,小弟咪即管試下,HT點做都好,但我對自己有交代就夠

好老實講,個頭雕我可接受,但正就一定不能,對比version 1以今天技術來講甚至係唔合格,我自問投訴就未去到 ,但唔滿意肯定有,點都要表達下,唔好以為我好滿意隻野

點都好過係度鬧但繼續俾錢買,屎你都食,人地仲點會做D好野俾你? :53:
發表於 12-11-2012 13:24:17 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 papay 於 12-11-2012 01:33 PM 編輯

回復 370# Dr.AL

發表於 12-11-2012 14:36:42 | 顯示全部樓層
呢度D人好過癮 , 之前媽聲四起 , 但講就凶狠 , 做就 ……….
發表於 12-11-2012 14:56:59 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 BigOil 於 12-11-2012 02:59 PM 編輯
呢度D人好過癮 , 之前媽聲四起 , 但講就凶狠 , 做就 ……….
Dr.AL 發表於 12-11-2012 02:36 PM

    ching你認為做,係做乜呢?就係send email? 上次咁多ching响消委complain,ht都好似冇乜反應。d公司有改善,好多時睇市場反應!定係ching想各人跟你send意見信比ht!但.. 都唔該唔好立亂鬧人啦!
發表於 12-11-2012 15:10:24 | 顯示全部樓層
回復 373# BigOil
發表於 12-11-2012 16:07:49 | 顯示全部樓層
ching你認為做,係做乜呢?就係send email? 上次咁多ching响消委complain,ht都好似冇乜反 ...
BigOil 發表於 12-11-2012 02:56 PM

師兄唔好誤會 , 我寫意見信係我自己選擇 , 無諗過要人跟住做 , 亦相信寫信只係一種途徑向 HT 表達不滿

其實呢度D師兄曾經講過 , 如果做得差就罷買 , 等市場淘汰佢 , 我真心認同 , 但基本上 HT 一家獨大 , 以佢價錢其他公司難以做到接近質素 , 就算有都只係偶一為之( Brother Production Bruce Willis) , 難以保持穩定 ……..

同意就算寫意見信甚至投訴消委會都可能無用 , 佢地可能唔理 ; 但係度好兇狠咁鬧貨不對辦有用咩 ?  佢地可能話睇唔到又或者無聽過有問題 , 我覺得只係發洩多於一切 ……..

小弟不才 , 只想到寫意見信甚至聯名信去公司 , 亦唔會瘋狂到號召大家圍堵 Toy Hunters , 但我亦唔想齋係 Forum 寫野而唔向 HT 出聲 , 並非要鬧你地 , 希望你明白

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