Support bro 呂! The pictures are awesome! :71: Can you take a snap of your photo set up?
BTW, the 171EX first appears in MF TV ep22 at about 19min. There is a dog fight scene between Ozma's Armored VF-25S and 早乙女 Super(armored) 171EX which is pretty cool. 早乙女小隊 and 兩條靚 scene is in ep23 at about 3:30min.
I was lucky enough to get my order through hlj this week. It should ship early next week. Personally I like the VF-171 design much more than VF-17. I actually like the CF VF-171 (the blue one) most. Hopefully it is not going to be so limited like this VF-171EX. The 171EX is so crazy that a lot of bro got screwed. :30: Any bro is going to get the armor parts?