THX timothy 兄支持~~~~大家互勉之吧~~~~小弟都十卜咗你個帖~~~~我其實對呢個型態無咩深入研究~~~~ ...
Somebody_Ex 發表於 7-4-2012 01:32 AM
Thanks Somebody_Ex Ching. Great post! Support. :71:
SHF Fourze line is really good. Don't see any QC issue with this toy line. The combination of Fourze's gadgets make the fun last quite long. I have Elekstates on order and it is stored with the warehouse. Will wait for Firestatus and ship together next month from Japan.
Do you play Fourze henshin DX driver?
I do...... So far, I have most of the astro switches they produced. Here is an old photo I took when I started collecting astro switches. There are alot more now. :shy: