at least that F1 is big(~60cm long) and good coating, the shell is removable, w/ books introduce that F1... / your hlafeye is small, fine but full of bolts in everywhere....:47:
don't let me meet your wife:36: or know her e-mail / facebook / MSN / ...:58:
機戰? I only played GBA emu, not remember this robot...
回復 131#ygat2005
都吾是大就好的.....heehee....:34:.....halfeye 是貴在個設計,同那detail位:67:
,而且deagostini真是mark up 好多,我上次買那部solar system,
日版差吾多要10K.....3 times of US ver...:50::*
thanks for enlighten me, giving the double price tag for
assembled kits and most of the parts are color molded;
i think it is really not a good bargain. i guess they charge
this much for completed kit just to make the unassembled
kit looks like a good purchase.
but also keep in mind that there are lots of heavy labour
and time consumed to put this transforming resin kit
together. if the tiniest thing went wrong, the entire kit might
have gone to waste. so assembled kit does have an edge.
either way, it is still a lot of money for a couple of resin lol
by the way, just followed your link, and altho i am not
a huge f-1 fans, don't like the redbull's driver at all, but
i am a huge louis hamilton fans!!!
this looks like a dream display piece, i didn't see how
much they are selling at, but it really got me interested!
回復 134#flash
below is the link if you have interest:
still keep sell....but it should over 15K if you buy now.
創刊号890円+(2-65号)1,790円x64 = 115450円 (not included shipment and service charge)