係呢半年時間,我地講得最多既係SSC既QC同價錢。小黃雞係11月到5月總共由SSC收左4隻雕像,1隻要退貨,2隻本身有問題要寄返REPLACEMENT。坦白講,以一隻入門要差唔多$3000既玩具來講,3�4有問題,其實真係幾不可思儀。(留意一點,我唔鐘意驗屍,油得唔好,有花我當睇唔到) 我地不禁會問,SSC係唔開始大到一個地步 No longer care about the QC of product because they can sell everything put on the website?
Collecting Statues in Hong Kong is not easy, especially if you intend to hunt for those grail class statues. One thing special about collecting statue is that: reselling "used" statues is very possible, basically it is what most collectors have been doing, thus, displaying your statues does not necessary lower your statues' value.
I agree with you, when someone views his hobby as an investment, it is just ridiculous and I do pity those fools :)