I fixed the join that links 3 pieces of the wing together on one of the wings last nite. This join had the internal spacer broken out.
The procedure:
1) take the join apart and remove the cap that covers the screw
2) unscrew the screw
3) super glue the spacer back to its original position, make sure it is glued and cured completely
4) drop some glue on the surface of the broken area to fill the crack
5) let it sit over night
6) after it is completely cured, use a very fine sanding paper to sand out any glue residue
7) also sand down the entire spacer to a little bit to make it less friction against the rubber joining inside. DON'T over sand it, just a little bit would be fine
8) use silicone oil and put couple drops inside the entire join
9) reassemble the join and put the screw back on and tighten it
10) DO NOT over tighten the screw and make sure the wing can spread easily
11) adjust the tightness of the screw if the wing spread is too loose or too tight
I'm still fixing the other join on the same wing. Will share the procedure once it is done.