This is Wiking 公司出, was bought it in 深水涉 三和 1/F and a bit expensive the selling price was $80:die:
but seems they already sold out!!! in fact, it is very difficult to find the special working vehicle in N gauge. :ar:
原文章由 taken 於 16-4-2007 12:43 PM 發表
Wiking 仲有洗街車係三禾、by the way my sister back from japan la, she no time buy 車仔、人仔:die:
just 係便利店買左盒Furuta 食玩俾我、外面是朱古力蛋,入面是玩具車.
我中左架AE-86 但可惜唔係 N siz ...
Wiking洗街車, new stuff:shiny::shiny: in addition, this is so warm as your sister bought 食玩for you~~~~:DD
you migh need to arrang a bus stop (Kato bus top??) or bus parking area.:DD:DD, I got the same problem so I only select some buses on the layout. :die:
you migh need to arrang a bus stop (Kato bus top??) or bus parking area.:DD:DD, I got the same problem so I only select some buses on the layout. :die: