你主要想我認同你吧? OK Agreeeee~~~~~ give u like You Win
ok ma?
你有你想法 我有我想法 , 其實同自己無關既野我唔會理會的
ok I use more time in this point, I don't want more time in this, 88
Oh..... That's the best reply you have got!? I'm quite disappointed. Well next time I do prefer you reply in Chinese cause I can't really understand what you are trying to say...
唔係我想無啦啦想插佢,當初我只係理性討論吓隻星矢,然後佢就係咁強詞奪理�轉topic,講埋D離題嘢。我知道佢冇玩過HT後理解佢可能俾佢D朋友影響咗姐,所以我之後都冇回佢。我今日忍唔住回佢都係因為佢喺道玩人身攻擊!完全過咗火!不過我咁講可能佢會重開心,因為佢可能feel happy by making other people angry!