Did u read my #1 post?
I never never mention/ want to lie to Sideshow..
I am just sharing SS policy and saying its heart breaking to destroy my figure..
thats all
Agree, I don't know why many people here suggest him to cheat sideshow....
willywonka 發表於 10-8-2011 01:15 AM
Yes, I never want to lie to SS, I already have their email,
so, I think once i destroyed it and send them pictures..I should able to get a new IRON MAN
I think most collectors having the same attitude as you. It is never easy to destroy your favourite figure.... I sugguest you scrap it by car..... Fast and You no need to witness thecruel process by your own eyes.
yes, and i will suggest you not to share any photo after you destroy your ironman.
cause here, some people will 'SMART' enough to use your photo to claim the exchange.
if u really want to share, pls share the pic after your case has been settled, at least SS will have your record.