Haven't posted for a while, didn't get a lot :shy::shy:
Most of them are old stuffs la
SD Strike Noir
Classic Jetfire
Classic Ramjet
Classic Grimlock
Keroro Robot (first three bought from HK, Dororo and Tamama got it locally, so expensive):blame::blame:
Gundam 0079 two Girl
Last MG Strike Freedom
Wii Play :shy::shy:
Lego Knight Kingdom 8877
the store has it for 75% off ( orginally US$((.((, now I paid US$@$.97):):):)
just for Fun
Still regard didn't get the classic Soundwave (saw it once at Toys R us and think it is too much US$@(.99) and haven't seen it anymore
Thanks for looking!!!!!:!:!
will soon to order the Fix composite, 33, and 34, broke again:cool::cool: