but since i didn't follow much of fate/stay,
i don't really understand what the story was.
is the story mostly coming from video/computer
games? or novels/anime? because it seems
there are pieces here and there with a lot of
side stories.
oh, thank you zxccv for the detail explaination.
i always felt that something was missing during the original
fate/stay nite animation. it seems the story was broken up
and there are a lot of unexplained plot. so another brother
said that fate/zero animation was based on its novel. so i
guess it doesn't have sub-plot and branches like the original
fate/stay nite game?
so if i were to understand the entire story of fate/stay nite.
i will have to play the video game??
thanks for the advice! may be i should really pick up
the game when i have time. but zero and staynite are
both related right? or may be reading zero's novel 1st
would help me understand stay nite the game?