been away for the last 2 weeks, just finished watching the 12th and 13th
episode. very much like what gazza bro said, the animation of the last 2
episode can spot a trend of decline, even when there isn't all that action
included, the characters aren't as detailed and well drawn as before. but
it wasn't unacceptablly bad, i think it is the right time for a break.
for the majority of the last 3 episodes, it is mostly talking. i enjoyed the
dialogue, i think it gives a much needed depth for the relevant servants
and masters. but i just hope the animation can do more than just 2 ppl
in a dialogue, may be some flash back or better background(library???).
finally, at the end of the 13th episode, the look and respond of saber to
rider's taunt finally make her somewhat resemble the status of a king, the
pride and glory in her eyes. that's much better, and fitting to the realm of
the holy war.
i don't mind the waiting time, i just hope the 2nd season is as good as the
1st. |