Toysdaily 玩具日報

樓主: genesicgaogaiga

[分享討論] CEO: Hottoys並不適合你,回去玩你的toy, 好好享受生活

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發表於 18-3-2011 12:40:54 | 顯示全部樓層
發表於 18-3-2011 13:54:05 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 magiam 於 18-3-2011 01:58 PM 編輯
吾系叫香港人咩事都要接受... ...
guitarjimmy6666 發表於 18-3-2011 11:43 AM

發表於 18-3-2011 13:56:13 | 顯示全部樓層
我都睇到成個情況, 不過無專心聽, 但一個 CEO  係無可能甘講野, 無人想返去換貨,  時間車錢無得收返, Post  ...
gekigoke 發表於 18-3-2011 10:05 AM

c hing 你也在現場? 凍玩主席的態度是屬於輕挑、囂張、or 憤怒 ? i'm really curious.
 樓主| 發表於 18-3-2011 14:23:08 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 genesicgaogaiga 於 18-3-2011 02:29 PM 編輯
c hing 你也在現場? 凍玩主席的態度是屬於輕挑、囂張、or 憤怒 ? i'm really curious.
roundbun 發表於 18/3/2011 13:56

If somebody ask you to "好好享受生活" after argument, what will be your feeling?

Remember, you have already got out of his shop, and he just voiced out from the cashier site.

During the first 1/3, we were still keeping calm.
Middle 1/3 both of us were 憤怒 esp. I heard " Hottoys not suitble for you" and I said why not releasing a plain cast for painting instead of building a ready made toy.

Final 1/3, I was still 憤怒, I just said I will not buy anything from you and went out of his shop.
CEO was 輕挑囂張 and said 好好享受生活 when I was already outside of his shop.
發表於 18-3-2011 14:27:09 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 roundbun 於 18-3-2011 02:30 PM 編輯
As of this point, he still refuses to show us how bad the problems are....

You cannot blame m ...
Gretzky99 發表於 18-3-2011 12:04 PM

其实師兄之前所說的也言之有理,但HT最大的問題是沒有做到零售基本的服務質素, 對顧客亦常有不公平的待遇,樓主的遭遇已经是最佳的例子 --- 排在他前面的驗屍官可以換到貨, 而他就不不可以。平心而論, 頭部的defect是最不能接受的. 況且樓主亦己經 repaint / modify 過此產品•看不看圖也沒多大分別。因為品質的問題不是重点所在.
 樓主| 發表於 18-3-2011 14:32:08 | 顯示全部樓層
其实師兄之前所說的也言之有理,但HT最大的問題是沒有做到零售基本的服務質素, 對顧客亦常有不公平 ...
roundbun 發表於 18/3/2011 14:27

Yes, that's true.
Most of us will try to get a better head.
Body is not so important.
Irregular paint excluding AA glue mark and black paint marks are already standard QC for all 12 inch. I have ready accepted them after playing Medicom for so many years.
This is just my 2nd Hottoy and resulted in like this.
發表於 18-3-2011 14:35:46 | 顯示全部樓層
回復 214# genesicgaogaiga

發表於 18-3-2011 14:38:48 | 顯示全部樓層

發表於 18-3-2011 14:41:48 | 顯示全部樓層
As of this point, he still refuses to show us how bad the problems are....

You cannot blame m ...
Gretzky99 發表於 18-3-2011 12:04 PM

post 相比你睇有咩用呢? 若版主有心做佢, 可以後期加工, 突登整衰隻野再放相架?
反而版主冇甘做, 話自己一番去已搞惦番d 問題~ 留唔到原貌! 我覺得成件事換件問題只係導火線, 真正既問題在於双方談話內容上既衝突! d 人話d 客冇禮貌 d sales 先係甘, 我唔見得係甘law, 我次次唔該前唔該後, 佢地一樣黒面晦晦氣換比你!! 之前CS都算好好, 但依家整体又差番! 呢d真係有辦你睇! 上樑不正下樑歪! "喂, 頭先你甘寸對d客既?" "車! 老細都係甘啦!! 對d 麻煩友係甘架啦!! 學野啦!!"
發表於 18-3-2011 14:41:58 | 顯示全部樓層
If somebody ask you to "好好享受生活" after argument, what will be your feeling?

Remember, yo ...
genesicgaogaiga 發表於 18-3-2011 02:23 PM

As expected, I also guessed he was 輕挑/囂 at the end.  Anyhow, 樓主亦不必動氣了,一千幾百就當作給了乞丐吧! :38:
 樓主| 發表於 18-3-2011 14:45:45 | 顯示全部樓層
Since I don't use Facebook, I would like to write an open letter to Mr. H.Chan. and I will send this email to Hottoys.

Dear Mr. H. Chan, CEO of Hottoys.

It is really my great pleasure to talk to you personally on yesterday. You really made my eyes open and allowed me to see how a GOOD retailer and wholesaler should behave. You told me that Hottoys is not suitable for me and asked to enjoy my life. Your advice is absolutely true, in order to enjoy my life, Hottoys is really not suitable for me, I will never buy your toys ( luckily only 2 at the moment) and just walk pass your shop in future.

I hope that you can also enjoy your life and your company can become the largest toy company in this universe.

Thank you for attention.
發表於 18-3-2011 14:50:28 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 katoki.e 於 18-3-2011 02:52 PM 編輯


 樓主| 發表於 18-3-2011 14:52:03 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 genesicgaogaiga 於 18-3-2011 02:56 PM 編輯
Since I don't use Facebook, I would like to write an open letter to Mr. H.Chan. and I will send this ...
genesicgaogaiga 發表於 18/3/2011 14:45

By the way, another member heard something I couldn't heard clearly as I have already got out of his shop, ... 5020434&fromuid=270
so somebody can really see how this CEO behaves.


CHING:我唔玩啦,已後都唔玩 !
老細:咁咪好囉!唔該曬 !多謝曬 ! Thank You曬)

These conversions are nearly the same but I can't hear CEO last few sentences except " enjoy your life" as I was so angry and walked out of his shop. Since I did not want to put words in other mouth, so I did not post any doubtful wordings.
But I really heard something like 唔該曬 !多謝曬 ! Thank You曬.
These make me angry more!!!
發表於 18-3-2011 14:55:34 | 顯示全部樓層
"Hottoys is not suitable for you..."
無辦法,已變大支野…對佢自己當已經係 Steve Jobs 級數。

本想入 MKV,而家我陪你唔買!
發表於 18-3-2011 14:57:51 | 顯示全部樓層
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