Toysdaily 玩具日報

樓主: genesicgaogaiga

[分享討論] CEO: Hottoys並不適合你,回去玩你的toy, 好好享受生活

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發表於 18-3-2011 11:26:19 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 evilalive 於 18-3-2011 11:28 AM 編輯
I know I will get slammed again but I cannot help it........

From what you said, the defects are  ...
Gretzky99 發表於 18-3-2011 10:30 AM

Why were you keep defensing the case like you speak for the company?

Was not going to give any comments to this as it only seems to be an isolated case and we as a viewer was not getting both size of the story......

All I see is that a product with comparative high value.....In one hand, the company (by HT itself)  keep educates consumer that it is a COLLECTIBLE but not a TOY and their product quality was claims to be topnotch from the industry, but in other hand, when customer find product is out of his/her expectation, the person who supposed in-charge of the company display this kinda attitude to his customer, who's fault it is? As a controller, shouldn't he describe the case to his fellow customer rather than 'kick' him out of the shop? He could be in a bad mood, but this give him no rights to flood his poor attitude to cust......he should establish a good service example to his fellow employee rather than this.....

Frankly speaking, a CEO not necessary to be a good person, high EQ or well educated person. He made his way up because of other reason though.......but what goes up, must come down........

A word of advise......taking the cellular phone for an example, Nokia is once dominant the market, but now, they're are barely keeping their pace with the game....
發表於 18-3-2011 11:28:36 | 顯示全部樓層
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發表於 18-3-2011 11:32:26 | 顯示全部樓層

而家...算喇, 唔係大問題就由佢, 玩具真係無完美, 走來走去玩到 ...
Jimy 發表於 18-3-2011 11:12 AM

師兄此言差矣, 玩具係有完美, 十週年嗰幾隻 ... 稻草人啲手甲, MJ套衫 咪好認真去做:71:
今次Mark VI ... :68:
發表於 18-3-2011 11:34:18 | 顯示全部樓層
發表於 18-3-2011 11:36:58 | 顯示全部樓層
brother I don't know you, but feel shock and sad of your incident.
I work in a manufacturing firm as well, so I know during production there must be some defective goods, I guess no matter how good the production line is there must be some kind of scrap and defects. That's why aftersales services are so important to keep the customers buying from you in long term. As i read an article in the past, almost 90% customers don't complain, they instead choose not to buy from that seller anymore.

I clearly understand your point, by ignoring the quality of the figure, it's already crazy and stupid to said such a thing as a CEO. Maybe he forgot who he is and what he said actually represent the company (imagine Donald Tsang said this kind of thing to new immigrants like HK is not suitable to you etc....and see what result he would have), or he was just too emotion and the words just fire off from his mouth before the signal reaches his brain~

anyway, HT really produce some amazing figures, I always think HT is the leader in the industry. It's a shame that their services cannot keep up and lose customers in this way.
For me, I only ordered ironman Mk-5 although I did have regrets when I saw Mk-4 and Mk-6 released (it's actually teh first time I "lost faith" in HT figures) , sadly i have full paid it so it's silly to surrender and not to collect it, maybe i should get my spray gun and paint out under my bed and repaint myself later when i collect it in the future, in case there are defects and their CEO "recommend" us to do...
發表於 18-3-2011 11:38:33 | 顯示全部樓層
I knew it...

The customer service of Hot toys cannot match with Enterbay's...AHAHHAHA

and recently, there is a decline of quality control on hot toy products, if Enterbay can use this time to their advantage, they can possibly grab some customers back...

too bad Hot toys has licenses to everything :79:
發表於 18-3-2011 11:43:46 | 顯示全部樓層
回復  Voucher

我諗唔可以咁講, 如果因為質數問題就要去小人,
咁米好似某D政黨咁, 政府派6千又小,唔 ...
逆天原罪 發表於 18-3-2011 11:20 AM

發表於 18-3-2011 11:46:24 | 顯示全部樓層

但請仔細閱讀看看樓主的 MK 6 有什麼問題:

The r eye of normal face ha ...
Gretzky99 發表於 18-3-2011 12:36 AM

請對事吧, 問題出於 HT 的態度及貨品質量

1)        D 貨有各大小問題都照出貨, 要麻煩客戶換貨 <-合理嗎?
2)        已換左一次貨, 但換完D 貨仲有缺陷 <-要欣然接受嗎? 還要考慮是大問題/小問題嗎? 已經換左一次架啦 bor, 仲有問題的確叫人感到驚訝 !!!
3)        只可以換一次貨<- 主因係HT 的貨有問題, 點解要消費者承擔HT 的不負責任, 仲要俾 HT 留難? 正如簡單道理, D 貨有品質, 就跟本唔需要換啦, 仲要係換完再換呀陰工… 宜家應該HT 解釋事情, 並非推卸責任, 仲要客戶受到冇禮對待 !!

唔該, 唔係人地俾D乜你, 就要盲目追求/硬受架, 俾D 要求啦. 不過對於HT 黎講都好既, 今次咁既服務水平, 都仲有咁忠誠既客戶撐佢, 真係吹佢唔脹.

希望版主將呢個 post 置頂, 幫 HT 宣傳下佢D 優質客戶服務及產品質量啦 ~ 等各玩家自行判斷吧 ~
發表於 18-3-2011 12:04:51 | 顯示全部樓層
Why were you keep defensing the case like you speak for the company?

Was not going to give an ...
evilalive 發表於 18-3-2011 11:26 AM

As of this point, he still refuses to show us how bad the problems are....

You cannot blame me for leaning the other way.........:80:

I had seen MANY, MANY unreasonable complaints in my life and given the nature of this case, I had to wonder........:45:
發表於 18-3-2011 12:19:40 | 顯示全部樓層
回復 203# onlife

D 貨無問題, 就跟本唔需要換啦!(又真係岩!:71: )
發表於 18-3-2011 12:21:42 | 顯示全部樓層
發表於 18-3-2011 12:23:00 | 顯示全部樓層


dear hottoy ...
hunterelf 發表於 18-3-2011 09:52 AM

Ching, 我盒全新未開 WarMachine 唔見&#21655;個黑人 頭雕,HTshop&#21874;人話:“幫你唔到!!” 唔通send email 去會有唔同答案?? 可能要試下..........
發表於 18-3-2011 12:32:04 | 顯示全部樓層
回復 198# 558558
我覺得HT做人型figure QC問題不大,係做Ironman呢d機械人先易出事!
發表於 18-3-2011 12:37:13 | 顯示全部樓層
問題已經去到HT 售前同售後既服務態度:*!難保人型Figure有瑕疪要換貨時得到同樣對待。
發表於 18-3-2011 12:40:52 | 顯示全部樓層
As of this point, he still refuses to show us how bad the problems are....

You cannot blame m ...
Gretzky99 發表於 18-3-2011 12:04 PM

I don't know either of the person nor how bad the defective item, but I'm trying to pull the focus on the situtation of the servicing. We are all grown ppl and believes do accept resonable explanation.
A company keep promoting their figures at the magazine to be one-of-a-kind perfect product but act differently wasn't the way to do business. If someone got guts, he could clarifies all that to collectors and re-educate them know minor defects is acceptable and reasonable.

I'm not blaming you at all, so don't take it too personal. Afterall, we are all try to balance the negative force among the discussion. Knowing that there is no absolute right and wrong in this case.
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