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[玩具報告] 軍武派機械人大戰 - Front Mission Eloved: Zephyr VS Enyo

發表於 9-1-2011 19:15:33 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
本帖最後由 Douglas.M.Saint 於 9-1-2011 07:23 PM 編輯

只要有設計好的機械人, 我就會乖乖的掏腰包......

Front Mission Eloved 我已玩至最後一版了, 故對 Wanzer 的愛亦只有增無減!  Playarts, 你出十款, 我就買十盒吧!

回說 figure 本身, Zephyr 和 Enyo 的 QC 卻不及 Zenith 好!  先說壞的方面吧! 各關節比較鬆, 拿大鎗或大砲時會有"不舉"的情況. Zephyr 的水紋情況嚴重! 面罩位置我要以黑色重塗才可完全掩蓋水紋部位. 對我來說, 這問題頗致命的......

優點方面, 正如早前 Zenith 的玩具報告一樣, 外型及可動性亦不錯, 機體本身已有金屬著色及舊化. 所以一向對玩具外型十分挑剔的我亦沒骨頭可挑了!

還要拍一盒我已買了一年多還沒有空拍照的玩具, 所以先談至這裡吧!

p.s. 這類硬派的機械人我相信不會太多人留意, 但正如我另一個推介系列 - Volks A3 - Muv Luv 一樣, 只得一個人喜歡我還是會分享下去的!  :)

有相有真相, 希望你會喜歡!!







D.M.S. 玩味指數

外型 (40) 30
可動性 (20) 14
佩件及 Gimmick (20) 14
品質管制/QC (10) 6
價錢 (10) 6


Next Sharing - 古朗基族的獵人......
發表於 9-1-2011 19:26:40 | 顯示全部樓層
I also play Front Mission, but just the SLG version (i.e. FM1,2,3,4,5,remake...)
This time FM:E is not SLG, also not create by SquareEnix, I just skip it.

The mechnical design of FM series is always good. Just publish too few toy...
發表於 9-1-2011 19:32:25 | 顯示全部樓層
A3 - Muv Luv?
not my cup of tea (relative models never catch my eyes before)
發表於 9-1-2011 21:12:29 | 顯示全部樓層
Support FM and it is great to see this 3 come out...

 樓主| 發表於 9-1-2011 23:16:28 | 顯示全部樓層
I also play Front Mission, but just the SLG version (i.e. FM1,2,3,4,5,remake...)
This time FM:E is  ...
ygat2005 發表於 9-1-2011 07:26 PM

I have little bit different from you because I played Front Mission when it changed to ACT.  I rare to play SLG except Super Robot War.  :)

For MUV LUV, those robot designs are very attractive and that's why I fall in love in this series.  :shy:

May be I'm the one who collect the most for MUV LUV series in HK.  And hope some "chain store" in HK will consider to import this series.  :)

 樓主| 發表於 9-1-2011 23:17:16 | 顯示全部樓層
Support FM and it is great to see this 3 come out...
百鬼咁夜行 發表於 9-1-2011 09:12 PM

Pal, u are amazing! :71:

Finished Evloved yet?  :)
發表於 9-1-2011 23:52:42 | 顯示全部樓層
Front Mission 機設好正...軍事味濃,又夠寫實,
近期愛上左BORDER BREAK部份機體,
後期出左家用版,變左格鬥, GAME名叫CYBERBOTS,

發表於 10-1-2011 00:23:27 | 顯示全部樓層
發表於 10-1-2011 07:30:34 | 顯示全部樓層
Good to see hardcore 軍事 robots fans here~

I've also got these 3 FM evolved figures.... don't talk about design, only talk about the toy itself......
Comparing to the FM3 figures launched 11 years ago, these new figures got some problems:
-joints are loose, it's got so many joints, so this "loose" problem is even worse~
-wrists joints are added, but you have to pull the shaft out to change hands and it'll ruin the wrist joints...... I almost break 2 wrists of mine.
-material of the body is not ABS? not 100% sure, but seems they're not. then it's possible that the joints are stuck after a period of time, and you'll break some soon.......
-shafts of shoulder weapon and that pile bunker are not ABS, this is so shit~ I almost broke 1 of these shafts during forcing them into holes....

And I'd like to see toys of Frost or some 4-legged models rather than Enyo.

About the game, I think almost all FM old fans are disappointed.
I played for a while, character design, uniform design, cockpit design look quite primitive.
And the really lacks of the political/real military/world conflict..... etc. feeling that the SLG provides. Hope there will be FM6 in SLG (not as complicated as 5 is better)
發表於 10-1-2011 07:33:17 | 顯示全部樓層
回復 7# MAX

Yes, Powered Gear is a very nice game (Comparing to Cyberbots as a fighting game, I think Powered Gear is better as an action game)
The system about changing legs and arms are good.
And the designs are so hardcore military robots.
Besides box eggs, there are only GKs....... poor~
發表於 10-1-2011 08:00:22 | 顯示全部樓層
Zephyr ar :help:
發表於 10-1-2011 08:24:37 | 顯示全部樓層
發表於 10-1-2011 09:08:04 | 顯示全部樓層
回復 6# Douglas.M.Saint

Man, probably I will miss the FM Evolved as it is not SLG anymore.....I understand in PS3/XBOX world 3D graphics should be a selling point, but I may need more time to accept FM is an action game.....back to FM 4/FM 5, you can break the whole team into 2 or 3 small groups, by using the strategic link up's fun.

For the toys itself, not bad to me, as it is very rare to have FM toys.....

Anyway, if FM Evolved helps more ppl knows FM, it will be great still.
發表於 10-1-2011 09:18:56 | 顯示全部樓層
Good to see hardcore 軍事 robots fans here~

I've also got these 3 FM evolved figures.... don't ta ...
ikkithefool 發表於 10-1-2011 07:30 AM

Yes, I like Frost as well, or Blizzaia, hope SE listens to it....although no more news from SE for that series since vol 3....haha,

FM 1st, FM 4 then FM 5 is my order of preference for FM game.......remember 地獄の璧 in FM 1, the strongest enemy to Carrion Crow.
發表於 10-1-2011 09:57:07 | 顯示全部樓層
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