Between.. wording such as "amazing happens", the "amazing" cannot be accepted as a noun in written discourse heehee.
You could say, "she is a foolish"... that "a foolish" represents "a foolish person"
Sorry I'm not challenging you or picking up a fight... just that my tiger is a double master of arts in english & elt, and she always picks up my mistakes as well :64:
Between.. wording such as "amazing happens", the "amazing" cannot be accepted as a noun in writt ...
roundbun 發表於 17-12-2010 11:07 PM
我指係加左 the 就可以當 noun, 唔加 the 就當然係 Adj~
勉強地就當佢係好似 "the poor", "the young" 果隻
"She is a foolish." 點解唔直接寫成 "She is a fool." ?
I am just a 巿井之徒, 無聊討論, 不過遲早俾人話鬼我地 TD 講唔係玩具既野~