hmmm after seeing the new post i got little confused.......aruns said "原價我點解唔去HT訂呢?"
when u said HT...u mean HT store? or Toy Hxxxx = HT official store?
can any1 tell me? plz @@
arrrrrr O wor....VIP mo 優先拿貨 r.......i really dont really new to HT n TH stuffs.... i wondering how other brother can get the products tht fast must be "In waitlist 1-10" asking my family to call yet....
sigh.........i wish i can 5d 去訂 like u guys coz it's always cheaper than other places.......or i hope HT can open a online web site for international buyer!! HKG always getting the first hand where US need to wait...n get through Sideshow first...n HK order Berserker P. only $1250 (which i did hoho).....Sideshow order $194 USD w/o TAX n shipping.... sad enough i ordered jor Royce from Sideshow.....coz i was too late to order from TH.... wish i can get 1 from TH....:help: