12 oct 10:00:
最後喺頑X用!(XXbid左...諗住佢地有商譽...點知原來係開過盒的(描述寫明未開封)...仲要係有defect(肩甲正面有發白)...將開封過嘅商品當未開封品(仲要用未開封新品價賣)! 我都真係幾唔"鋸"...最後出左個劣評...希望佢地自己檢討下...
奉勸各位bro下次買野bid野小心d同一定要仔細check, 依家真係大舖都未必信得過...
12 Oct 13:00:
頑仔於鴉烏回覆可以換過隻, 當堂"鋸"返~今次總算係亡羊補牢啦, 我都會繼續幫趁的...不過都要仔細check~
I have edited your post casue u have quoted exact price............ :( Please pay attentoin next time. :)
And, can show what is the problem of yours? :50: I have checked serval boxes of Mode A but the QC is not good as expected. So, only got Mode B for my collection.......... :56:
..why didn't you visit the "good guy shop" in person lei? :DD
I got my mode B at pirate ship & everything looks fine. It surely is one of the best items of 2010 ! My only complaint would be the limiited articulation on the arms (thought Alter would have done a better job than bending just 90 degrees !)