Any different between Bandai and Yamato this time? I do have 3 1/60 Yamato Marcross, but I just d ...
rick3868 發表於 19-8-2010 06:59 PM
I understand what u mean now
I believe Yamato had changed the direction this time
they are trying to be more "Original" , so 用心良苦 ar
with such great details & from my point of views
i think this is the most handsome Fire Bomber after all these yesrs ar
hope u will like it somehow someday
I understand what u mean now
I believe Yamato had changed the direction this time
the ...
勝情中人 發表於 20-8-2010 05:44 PM
Yeah! You got it right. May be this is a new try of Yamato. 因我十分喜愛砌模型, 對於比例是有點過份要求的. YF-19 fire 係我最喜愛的機體之一,我也很期待這次成品! I think I will like / buy it someday!:58: