女版加爾巴係早期 OVA 版出過場~~~我都有買到當年出 GE 1比6手辦公仔返黎製作上色~~~不過後來跌爛咗掉咗好耐 LU~~~:( 宜家故事新出場 GE 加爾巴II F 如果出 BFC 我應該會買返隻黎儲 GE~~~不過等到佢啲產品推出時~~~我唔知重係唔係度~~~:o
Yeh it's been so long that I could hardly recall the plot & details now. I'll probably wait till the story ends & start to review the whole comic thereafter :42:, though I really doubt whether the author can finish it before he passes away (or before I pass away) :31: