I'm not a big fan of Bandai's 1/20 scopedog, for it's legs are too long and shoulders too high IMO.
1/48 is hopeless, excepting expensive fan made resin kits sold in Japanese toy events.
Now I hope Wave's new 1/35 model line will complete what Max's Factory's had missed, or at least give us Diving Beetle and Berserga.
話說內子都好like Votoms隻 OP ,話隻歌好聽好有80s feel,歌手把聲都好靚
剛剛佢叫我揾揾歌手嘅資料(內子係"資料控"),原來佢叫 織田哲郎,
雖然當時Votoms OP 唔係佢作,但之後佢亦成為全能唱作人,喺日本應該幾出名下!