Thx for Raider bigbig's advise on the 1/60 Metal Kit !
I am very interested in the Model Graphix June issue too, but I am so busy lately and don't have time to buy it >_<
OVA「幻影篇」第一集中文字幕版 <--- cool !! 太陽之牙 bigbig, where can I find the seed ? ( I only know and uwants )
OVA「幻影篇」第一集中文字幕版 <--- cool !! 太陽之牙 bigbig, where can I find the seed ? ( I only know and uwants )...
WalkerMachine 發表於 28-4-2010 06:14 PM
In view of the current Japanese economy, it is unlikely new products to be issued for these old anime. Unless those big players launch a co-operative launch like Macross or Votoms, or else only CMs will do it but with cheap quality.:26: