Yes, want to get a full set of command vorct, but put them down after considering the bad joints. Need to think twice on which is good to get (Vorct's Turbo, Blockmesser for example)
For the warrior, the problem is the ugly cockpit.:50:
Yes, want to get a full set of command vorct, but put them down after considering the bad joints. Need to think twice on which is good to get (Vorct's Turbo, Blockmesser for example)
For the wa ...
I love the cockpit and the "pilot" very much............. "It" is a real PS! :35:
Max 的CV質素高好多,可惜買唔到……:sad:
To be honest, the main problem is the joints only. If you dare to replace them with other joints, the result is not as bad for these ATs, but after you have the 1/48 and 1/12, no one will waste more money to grade up these unprofessional products.:36:
By the way, ssp appears Yamato 1/12 Votoms again. Before opening the cover, wonder it’s only the first Yamato Scopedog, but….anyone knows where these 2 color variation versions come from? :(