Already 100% boost up of the orignal model! I treat this series as model kit instead of completed figures. You may consider to replicate the speeder as well.:77:
AG 系列真係可以當作模型! 如果肯花時間,全件拆散後重組上色,效果應該很好。
speeder也有問題……:sad: 我不懂複制:sad:……請問有沒有方法?
The decal sheets are bought from a decal sheet maker <---------- Votoms one is under catergory "Non-Mecha"
I've bought several from them so far, the quality is quite good~~~
They provide different sizes for Votoms, but actually I think the one for 1/48 is a bit too big~
(especially for the logoes/icons on chest and shoulder)
And if you get big ones, u can see the little words are in normal fonts, not Ailgamesh fonts, that's the biggest bug
AG 系列真係可以當作模型! 如果肯花時間,全件拆散後重組上色,效果應該很好。
因為迷彩圖案不同,龜仔用雷電圖案 ...
Actually, the speeder itself is only a box, if it is not necessary to fit exactly the anime settings, you can just built it with plastic sheets. Well, it is always easy to say in words than actually done. I will try to with papers first.
For the 迷彩, I suggest to use Tamiya colour to add back the dark green patterns.
舊相一張, Max Factory "Max35"系列的 狙擊手Scopedog, 用上了lens 貼, 眼罩和長槍之連接線改用彈簧管(最幼那種, 各模型店有 ...
That cable included is not good and you're right that I haven't apllied it.
The one you use is quite good~ I might get one and applied onto mine. Your image looks great and real~~~