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樓主: Jimy

[分享討論] Hot Toys DX 02 Batman TDK.....集中討論

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發表於 22-1-2010 23:21:15 | 顯示全部樓層
回復 1108# jackyop

發表於 22-1-2010 23:39:33 | 顯示全部樓層
發表於 22-1-2010 23:49:39 | 顯示全部樓層
發表於 23-1-2010 01:46:23 | 顯示全部樓層
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發表於 23-1-2010 02:10:10 | 顯示全部樓層
回復 1032# Jimy

hello, i think i'm the guy who took the wolverine to hottoys shop that you're talking, there is something i want to tell you:
1) you are smart, i'm really thirty something.
2) i couldn't remeber that there was anybody come close to us when we were checking the figure, so i think no one except me and the staff could check the figure in detail.
3) 爆在褲浪, not serious but one of the special feature of the figure is you can display him in at least 3 clothing style, so you will play him like barbie, changing the clothes of him for several times and that's why i'm aftaid that the problem will get worse.
4) for the left arm, the staff explained to me that if you bend the arm too tight, the arm will fall out but the right arm doesn't have this problem because they were made from 2 different models, and not like you said:店員一試, 無咩分別...
5) for the neck, the problem is not serious but for my view, even thought the scar was caused by me but the receipt of the product stated that you can get maintainance within 14 days. by the way the staff didn't tell me that he couldn't see the scar but why you said he couldn't.
I really don't know why you think that my case is so 過癮.
 樓主| 發表於 23-1-2010 03:23:45 | 顯示全部樓層
回復 1114# jripper

would u mind tell me which day u went to change the parts?

in case this man really is you,
it is very sorry if I bring you any inconvenience or uncomfortable.
however, there is no reason I want to misleading others.
I just share what I heard and saw,
maybe, diff ppl get diff message in diff view.

u change the parts base on ur reason is ok, no problem.
i feel "FUNNY" just bcoz how come HT products full of problem,
customer like us always need go back to change,
shopkeepers always said no problem and normal,
how come diff side have such opposite view?!?
it is FUNNY that we buy a toys not for play, is always go back to change,
Is HT want to play us?

anyway, hope u can get ur wolverine very soon...
pls let me know if anything i can help.
nice to meet u again if it is you.
發表於 23-1-2010 04:56:52 | 顯示全部樓層
發表於 23-1-2010 11:28:54 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 小甜甜 於 23-1-2010 11:32 AM 編輯

昨晚再去換, 睇左4 隻, 收貨. (主要因為頭幾隻大脾回彈問題, 所以check左4隻)
今次全程都好好禮貌, 冇黑面.

店員話, 呢批新貨膠面加厚左保護, 冇咁易甩架啦.

我第一次換既時候, 果批body係包好晒, 不過冇頭冇腰帶, 今次呢批都係包好晒, 不過就有頭有腰帶. 所以, 可能唔同上一批貨....................(個人段估)

同埋, 佢最後同我講, "唔緊要架, 如果您發覺再有問題, 可以再攞返落黎"
(不過, 我當然希望唔會再出油同自行甩膠啦, 如果再甩, 就咪怪我再落黎煩您...........呵呵)

今次既服務, 比返個good您地.
 樓主| 發表於 23-1-2010 11:31:17 | 顯示全部樓層
發表於 23-1-2010 12:39:21 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 O-Boy 於 23-1-2010 12:48 PM 編輯
昨晚再去換, 睇左4 隻, 收貨. (主要因為頭幾隻大脾回彈問題, 所以check左4隻)
今次全程都好好禮貌, 冇黑面 ...
小甜甜 發表於 23-1-2010 11:28 AM

早幾日前換咗, 情況同大大差不多, 店員態度都幾ok的, 至於新批body, 如未換嘅版友, 留意睇真d個胸甲(有細圖案部份同邊框接駁位), 有明顯出界凸出嚟膠水跡, 以免走漏眼(不過未必普遍係咁)
發表於 23-1-2010 13:12:11 | 顯示全部樓層
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發表於 23-1-2010 14:56:11 | 顯示全部樓層
發表於 24-1-2010 01:31:15 | 顯示全部樓層
回復 1115# Jimy

hi, i'm happy to see your reply, it's fine, i just try to tell you that you misunderstood my case. don't worry, i don't have harsh feeling on your message.
for hottoys, i always complain that why they can produce such a high quality product and also provide such a good after sale service which make me don't need to consider much before i make decision to buy their figure ^_^ that's also why i spend so much money to get the VIP membership.
by the way, are you the guy who talked with me after that?
nice to meet you too.
發表於 24-1-2010 01:40:01 | 顯示全部樓層
回復 1122# PPerry

thanks for your appreciation!
i think the main point is always try to be claim when you're facing any kind of bad feeling caused by others, then you can have time and capable to think clearly whether is it a real therat or only misunderstanding and on the other side, the others can also have a chance to explain clearly too. we need to flight for real threat but nowaday, i don't think real threat come often, usually just misunderstanding. we also need a forgiving heart for others when they are not mean to hurt us.
 樓主| 發表於 24-1-2010 02:03:01 | 顯示全部樓層
回復 1123# jripper

Thank you for your understanding, :64:
yes, i am the one talk to you after u change the product.
I now remember when we met before, it's 動漫展,
we lined up for T-600 and Ironman MK III...and talk for a long time.
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