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marvel legends 定 marvel university 好玩d ??

發表於 15-9-2009 21:51:48 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
唔知點解近期對呢兩個係列越來越有興趣....反而對日系的figure 開始感到厭倦...唔知係咪真係關人越來越大事!!
但我對這兩系列也不太認識~講packing 一定係marvel university
但講配件又marvel legends 多少少究竟邊個系列較值得玩`~大大幫忙分析一下吧!!
定係dc universe 好d ??

[ 本帖最後由 neweasonlss 於 15-9-2009 10:34 PM 編輯 ]
發表於 15-9-2009 22:47:05 | 顯示全部樓層
It's Marvel Universe:(

Marvel Legends:
I think much better.  More joints
Might be harder to find some of the good ones, sky prices, a bit too late to start
QC for some are so so.

Marvel Universe:
easier to find, just started
but the QC for some are so so
發表於 15-9-2009 22:54:06 | 顯示全部樓層
我自己有儲開Marvel Universe貪佢細隻可以儲多d, 但有d 面相好差例如 hulk
玩動作的話應該Marvel Legends 會好d但對我嚟講太大隻:79:
 樓主| 發表於 15-9-2009 23:15:11 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 Duraxyll 於 15-9-2009 10:47 PM 發表
It's Marvel Universe:(

Marvel Legends:
I think much better.  More joints
Might be harder to find some of the good ones, sky prices, a bit too late to start
QC for some are so so.

Marvel Unive ...

你意思係marvel legends 好玩d ??
 樓主| 發表於 15-9-2009 23:16:49 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 tonberry 於 15-9-2009 10:54 PM 發表
我自己有儲開Marvel Universe貪佢細隻可以儲多d, 但有d 面相好差例如 hulk
玩動作的話應該Marvel Legends 會好d但對我嚟講太大隻:79:

其實我都好苦腦....因為我都係覺得marvel legends 太大隻....但marvel universe 又好似好兒戲咁....
發表於 15-9-2009 23:30:38 | 顯示全部樓層
我覺得Marvel Legends 系好d ge~~~~但你又要睇Marvel Legends 系toy biz 定e+ 孩記bow..:58: :58:

發表於 15-9-2009 23:36:27 | 顯示全部樓層
Marvel Universe啦!!!


如果你揀玩Marvel Universe記住來3.75寸區:36:
發表於 16-9-2009 00:09:56 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 neweasonlss 於 15-9-2009 10:15 AM 發表

你意思係marvel legends 好玩d ??


But some Marvel Legends are already in sky prices, such as ML1 Gold Iron Man.
If you plan to collect all characters, think twice.
For both Hasbro and ML, the earlier ML are so so.

Marvel Universe, I think they are so so too.  To get the Nick Fury, might be a bit hard.
 樓主| 發表於 16-9-2009 00:12:27 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 阿瞬軍曹 於 15-9-2009 11:36 PM 發表
Marvel Universe啦!!!

我最愛呢兩隻 ...

 樓主| 發表於 16-9-2009 00:22:40 | 顯示全部樓層
定係dc universe 好d 呢
發表於 16-9-2009 00:35:12 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 guitarjimmy6666 於 15-9-2009 11:30 AM 發表
我覺得Marvel Legends 系好d ge~~~~但你又要睇Marvel Legends 系toy biz 定e+ 孩記bow..:58: :58:


孩記初期果d直頭樣衰啦, 不過之後越出越靚, 新果d有d仲靚過Toybiz, 只係HK超難買得到...
發表於 16-9-2009 12:17:00 | 顯示全部樓層
buy universe and fast! And a wide varity of characters..
hasbro ML only have few product for a it is ok to collect too...

For Old ML, try your luck at Ebay la..., it is also fun to search for old treasures!
發表於 16-9-2009 12:18:58 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 neweasonlss 於 15-9-2009 09:51 PM 發表
唔知點解近期對呢兩個係列越來越有興趣....反而對日系的figure 開始感到厭倦...唔知係咪真係關人越來越大事!!
但我對這兩系列也不太認識~講packing 一定係marvel university
但講配件又marvel legends 多少少究竟 ...

I also feel the same, buying less and less 日系...
發表於 16-9-2009 12:44:42 | 顯示全部樓層
Marvel legends好多都係精品, 而且一儲6" Marvel Legends, 有好幾個Character既獨立Series都要搵埋, 個collection先叫做可觀

間單嚟計, Toybiz時期就要儲Marvel Legends, Spider-man Classic, X-Men, Fantastic 4, Hulk, 再加埋d Gift Set, 2 pack同Marvel Select, 單係Spider-Man Classic就已經出左成15~16個series, 就算唔係隻隻款都好玩, 屬精品或第一次出既costume都計埋有十幾廿個款, 好多天價, 例如隻Mcfarlane Eyes Wall Climb Spider-Man 就已經唔係人人有(我冇), 如果儲X-Men, 肯定唔會放過Boxset 隻Rogue同X-Men Series隻Jim Lee Cyclops同Arch Angel, Colossus, Gambit之流都已經抄到唔知去左邊度.............Kang, Super Skrull, Dragon Man等係ebay都係天天價, 佢地都係屬於Fantastic Four既獨立series............真係齋儲Spider-Man and Friends/ Foe都要等運到, 真係會玩死人。

Hasbro計埋Spider-man Movie Trinity宜家都成8~9個wave. 加埋2 pack兩個Wave, 同埋d Special, 數量都真係好可觀........................

如果未決定買, 最好三思, 雖然我冇玩Hasbro 3.75", 但有好多都好靘又好玩, 我係已經踩左Marvel legends 成兩年, 走唔到, 如果要宜家開始儲, 我都可能會入3.75" Marvel Universe,

如果玩DC Universe, 命運絕對唔會比玩Marvel Legends好, ML都重有一推貨係d抄家/ 玩家身上, DCU係好多series都冇返行貨, 幾乎10套有6-7套要ebay入, 我冇玩, 但要玩, 係香港係一d都唔輕鬆

最後送個website比樓主, 入面有齊出過既款式, 希望幫到手, 當年我都係咁比人導:78:

[ 本帖最後由 herolouis800528 於 16-9-2009 12:48 PM 編輯 ]
發表於 16-9-2009 13:18:18 | 顯示全部樓層
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