From "what I know", didn't check if this info is 100% correct. (I'm lazy...)
They're using a weather balloon to raise the lego man (and the cam) VERY high up to the sky. Technically it's not space yet, but VERY close. The weather ballon burst at the end and the lego man (and cam) fall back... the teens calculate where it lands and retrieve it.
Again from "what I know", weather ballons normally won't travel any further than 50~80 miles... this is only something that I learn b4 from discovery channel long time ago... I'm no expert...MIGHT BE WRONG....:60:
so if the above is true than this distance is still pretty safe as Toronto in not that close to the border....
correction... did a quick search... looong read though and I felt dizzy already...:30:
"According to the National Weather Service, a balloon flight can last more than two hours, with the balloon achieving altitudes up to 115,000 feet and traveling more than 125 miles from its release point."