borisasf 發表於 5-5-2009 08:57:34

打 MGO 打到好火滾....我要投訴呀~~~~!

打 MGO 打到好火滾, 因為有人出埋d陰招, 穿牆, 隱身, 加速, 乜都有...每次 online 打嗰陣, 見到某幾條友喺度自轉, 我就知呢個人想出術...
例子1: 我同敵方喺同一條巷對打, 對方唔打只係喺度自轉, 佢突然喺我眼前消失, 跟住係我背後出現再向我開鎗!!
例子2: 用機鎗最煩係要 reload, 我見過有人用 M4 可以不斷開鎗唔駛 reload呢d人名我會向 KONAMI 報告!!:blame:

[ 本帖最後由 borisasf 於 5-5-2009 08:58 AM 編輯 ]

夏娜 發表於 6-5-2009 02:27:26

:ar: well..every online game has hackers in it....i still rmb the days when i play CS... there were wall hacks, speed hacks, aim bot, through wall....etc~~ all kind of hacks.What me and my frds did was to defeat the hackers with pure skills.
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