自己買書, 去舖頭代訂, HK$!().
S/S & A/W 抄得咁勁,我買TOTAL UNDER HKD500
under %))真係靚價!!:71: :71:
我入S/S & A/W total ^$)~:56:
我都訂左月刊VER,不過未到手,最快next week 先有,好期待~:43:
有冇大大訂到BLACK LEBEL??:58: 原帖由 laushing525 於 21-11-2007 05:39 PM 發表 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif
有人說: 先生收掛號.
那一刻超感動:sad: ...................終於等到了......
http://farm3.static.flickr.c ...
恭喜晒呀!!! :61: 一晚應該煲得晒成套書,睇完之後你會最喜歡邊個人物呢? (我就最鍾意龍信喇!!! :he: ) [台灣當草,香港係寶,公恭]
你講得好啱聽:71:,kuokwok 兄我同你買個價一樣,,當睇番yahoo--------> HK800 成交價我真係O 咀....
恭喜晒呀!!! 一晚應該煲得晒成套書,睇完之後你會最喜歡邊個人物呢? (我就最鍾意龍信喇!!! )
...................而家先第4期..........:56: ........暫時春道好搶~~~!! 原來板東開頭咁 KAI.........:80:
[ 本帖最後由 laushing525 於 22-11-2007 01:32 AM 編輯 ]
回覆 1960# 的文章
yes ~~~:52:回覆 1962# 的文章
It is just open a new shop on the top floor in MBK,there r so many,but the price is so expensive....and a new shop will open in China town,the price is cheapper~hope it is helpful~~~:77: 原帖由 Shion 於 22-11-2007 01:47 AM 發表 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gifyes ~~~:52:
SHION 兄其實响泰國多唔多人玩" WORST"架?? :? 剛剛o係TK 睇到...:52:
日本雜誌綜合 Medicom News
■ RAH クローズ×WORST 花木九里虎・河内鉄生 原帖由 laushing525 於 22-11-2007 01:26 AM 發表 http://toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif
...................而家先第4期..........:56: ........暫時春道好搶~~~! ...
講真初時d公仔頗核突下.... 原帖由 Toys_hunter 於 21-11-2007 10:05 PM 發表 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif
under %))真係靚價!!:71: :71:
我入S/S & A/W total ^$)~:56:
我都訂左月刊VER,不過未到手,最快next week 先有,好期待~:43:
有冇大大訂到BLACK LEBEL??:58:
BLACK REABEL日本都炒梗:59: ............ :oh:
...........not good:oh: ......
[ 本帖最後由 laushing525 於 23-11-2007 02:14 AM 編輯 ] 原帖由 Shion 於 22-11-2007 01:50 AM 發表 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif
It is just open a new shop on the top floor in MBK,there r so many,but the price is so expensive....and a new shop will open in China town,the price is cheapper~hope it is helpful~~~:77:
唔該晒你呀Shion兄~~~ 新年期間我有可能過尼BK玩,到時去望下先:shiny: 。Thank You~ (其實多唔多泰國本地人玩Crows & Worst既呢 ?) 原帖由 laushing525 於 23-11-2007 02:13 AM 發表 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif
............ :oh:
http://www.blister.jp/images-item-big/page-8153.jpg%3Ca%20href=http://www.blister.jp/images-item-big/page-8152.jpg" border="0">
...........not good:oh: ......
兩個字: 失望 ... :cool: 原帖由 aforadrian 於 23-11-2007 10:37 AM 發表 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif
唔該晒你呀Shion兄~~~ 新年期間我有可能過尼BK玩,到時去望下先:shiny: 。Thank You~ (其實多唔多泰國本地人玩Crows & Worst既呢 ?)
欢迎呀!! 而家好多泰国仔开始实行喜欢呢个系列产品,都有好劲之人!!:50: 噚晚入埋隻綠色, 齊晒 :73:綠色最型 :71:
http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g62/ctls/CIMG1702.jpg http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g62/ctls/CIMG1713.jpg
http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g62/ctls/CIMG1707.jpg 原帖由 aforadrian 於 23-11-2007 10:41 AM 發表 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif
兩個字: 失望 ... :cool: