whitebase 發表於 18-1-2009 20:18:33


whitebase 發表於 18-1-2009 20:21:15



bad-aries 發表於 18-1-2009 22:12:25

Gundam@EFSF 發表於 18-1-2009 22:53:36

原帖由 bad-aries 於 18-1-2009 22:12 發表 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif
yup!& clement3, wait 4 ur group pics to my e-mail :)

D-Boy 發表於 18-1-2009 23:03:38

Here is what had left after the cake has been shared:


[ 本帖最後由 D-Boy 於 18-1-2009 11:05 PM 編輯 ]

clement3 發表於 19-1-2009 01:02:16

回覆 709# 的文章

Photo was send to EDSF, Tasuku & Herolouis.
Please help to distribute.

S20081997 發表於 19-1-2009 01:13:47

:71: super happy !! this is my first time go to td gundam party ! sharing a lot of gundam things !! eat a special 30 th cake !! waiting for feb gundam party !! hope i can go to :34:

BI2000 發表於 19-1-2009 01:49:15

原帖由 whitebase 於 18-1-2009 20:18 發表 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif
:no: ..呢個.....................:D ...i love it veryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy..:time:

WW7 發表於 19-1-2009 03:10:15

原帖由 Tasuku 於 7-1-2009 02:07 PM 發表 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif

Just Come!!!
Don't need to be Super Fans, you are good enough if you know that Chinese Gundam song!
This meeting is open for everyone who like Gundam,
ADD your name:65:

Sorry 各位高達brother,特別向Tasuku san講聲唔好意思,今次未能出席卻沒有預早通知樓主,因工作關係未能現身一齊唱gundam song,工作中有朋友致電問個聚會好唔好玩,我先醒起 :@ :50:,真係sorry:unhappy:

solarsunshine 發表於 19-1-2009 11:03:55

昨日有事來唔到, sorry

Tasuku 發表於 19-1-2009 12:26:46

昨天Bro. Louis 提議去Redbox 唱(有很多卡通片歌、比想像中更多)K
有Gundam Seed、幪面超人Black RX、鐵甲萬能俠、三一萬能俠、超力電磁俠、金剛飛天鑽、勇者王.......還有更多


[ 本帖最後由 Tasuku 於 19-1-2009 12:34 PM 編輯 ]

S20081997 發表於 19-1-2009 18:30:18

原帖由 Tasuku 於 19-1-2009 12:26 PM 發表 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif
昨天Bro. Louis 提議去Redbox 唱(有很多卡通片歌、比想像中更多)K
有Gundam Seed、幪面超人Black RX、鐵甲萬能俠、三一萬能俠、超力電磁俠、金剛飛天鑽、勇者王.......還有更多
唔使識唱晒 ... :65: when u leave ?? :78:

Tasuku 發表於 19-1-2009 18:55:54

原帖由 S20081997 於 19-1-2009 06:30 PM 發表 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif
:65: when u leave ?? :78:
very soon after chinese new year.....

Gundam@EFSF 發表於 19-1-2009 19:03:41

回覆 718# 的文章

oh.. so sad:help: ... Let's us arrange the 9th gathering ASAP to farewell u!
& my heartfelt thx 4 ur dedication & effort in arranging our gathering!:64:

Tasuku 發表於 19-1-2009 20:02:21

原帖由 Gundam@EFSF 於 19-1-2009 07:03 PM 發表 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif
oh.. so sad:help: ... Let's us arrange the 9th gathering ASAP to farewell u!
& my heartfelt thx 4 ur dedication & effort in arranging our gathering!:64:
need to find a new meeting place, or booking different places everytime wiil be a problem for coming meetings, BUT~

I will be able to help arranging meeting on-line continually or through phone, because I have a direct toll free phone number for HK people calling me, if you already got my Tel #, keep it then you can call me anytime like a local call (free of charge)

Hopefully, we can connect more Gundam Fans to oversea!!!

[ 本帖最後由 Tasuku 於 19-1-2009 08:17 PM 編輯 ]
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