Gundam@EFSF 發表於 28-12-2008 13:00:29

回覆 570# 的文章

Hi Tasuku,

I will wait for the crowd at Jordan & lead them to ur club house, stay tune & let's keep contact thru mobile :)

S20081997 發表於 30-12-2008 15:44:27

thx Tasuku bigbig n other td brother !! i am very enjoy this party !! hope to join u all everytime !! wait for jan /09 gundam party la !! happy !! :43: :71: :77:

[ 本帖最後由 S20081997 於 30-12-2008 11:44 PM 編輯 ]

bad-aries 發表於 30-12-2008 17:54:00

cybaster 發表於 30-12-2008 18:48:49

原帖由 bad-aries 於 30-12-2008 17:54 發表

1月9號又有?不過果日唔黎得喇. :o


S20081997 發表於 30-12-2008 23:45:23

原帖由 cybaster 於 30-12-2008 06:48 PM 發表

不是1月9號 :71: yes !!

whitebase 發表於 1-1-2009 11:57:47

09年係高達30週年紀念, 一定要慶一慶佢!!

bad-aries 發表於 5-1-2009 22:16:11

S20081997 發表於 5-1-2009 23:49:06

原帖由 bad-aries 於 5-1-2009 10:16 PM 發表

咁而家決定係幾時呀?:handshake: :@ :56: i m only a small pototo ............................... need to confirm by real bigbig wor !! :77: like Tasuku bigbig ,   Gundam @ EFSF bigbig ,DMS bigbig or other bigbig ....:34: gundam 30 th !! haha !!

[ 本帖最後由 S20081997 於 5-1-2009 11:52 PM 編輯 ]

Tasuku 發表於 6-1-2009 02:55:37

This month let's back to GUNDAM UNION MEETING,
Let's celebrate 高達30週年紀念

by the way: We are all children of GUNDAM, no one bigger than any others,
PLEASE speak from your heart if you have any suggestion......

Douglas.M.Saint 發表於 6-1-2009 10:18:13


regzzero 發表於 6-1-2009 13:19:09

原帖由 Douglas.M.Saint 於 6-1-2009 10:18 AM 發表

support, letus meet before Chinese New Year la :43:

D-Boy 發表於 6-1-2009 17:35:21

After missing this meeting for 2 months, I really want to join for the coming gathering.I'll make sure I'm available at 18th.

whitebase 發表於 6-1-2009 20:30:18

ok !!冇問題

S20081997 發表於 6-1-2009 23:31:11

hi :65: if 18/1 i am ok (now) thx :) gundam !! go,go !!

BlackAce 發表於 6-1-2009 23:38:26

me ok too! :43:
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