whitebase 發表於 8-8-2008 12:31:35

原帖由 corn135 於 7-8-2008 11:29 PM 發表 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif
地址 :   旺角登打士街36號恆威商業中心18樓
帶一個喜歡高達既"心" XD , 不過有什麼珍藏, 都可以同大家分享吓

Gundam@EFSF 發表於 8-8-2008 21:20:22

原帖由 whitebase 於 8-8-2008 12:31 發表 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif

帶一個喜歡高達既"心" XD , 不過有什麼珍藏, 都可以同大家分享吓

Tasuku 發表於 11-8-2008 03:26:46

The same place, or New place?
if I,m FREE that day, I come!

Douglas.M.Saint 發表於 11-8-2008 20:55:27

原帖由 Tasuku 於 11-8-2008 03:26 AM 發表 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif
The same place, or New place?
if I,m FREE that day, I come!

Pal~~~~~~~~ Your Cobra 1:1 gun can be seen in 3/F, Sino Centre!:71:

Gundam@EFSF 發表於 11-8-2008 23:47:53

Anyone has idea on upstair cafe with private room? thx!

beckham 發表於 12-8-2008 01:35:04

路過: 如果一人帶一隻重高達去影相, 都幾堅

Tasuku 發表於 12-8-2008 02:22:20

beware of 最低消費upstair cafe will charge, for your reference:
this one for more privacy, but in CWB

p.s. thanks Douglas about the Corba's gun, I'll check it out, the Fat Guy store right?

Tasuku 發表於 12-8-2008 03:14:50

how about 漫畫cafe or Maid cafe:

Douglas.M.Saint 發表於 12-8-2008 09:32:41

原帖由 Tasuku 於 12-8-2008 02:22 AM 發表 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif
beware of 最低消費upstair cafe will charge, for your reference:
this on ...

100 marks! :71:Put it in your left arm after u got it!

solarsunshine 發表於 12-8-2008 12:29:10

定左地點請call back我 thx

SIEG~~ 發表於 12-8-2008 20:59:48


Gundam@EFSF 發表於 12-8-2008 22:26:38

召集:第三次高達同好MK咖啡聚! (Aug 16)
Time : 4:00 pm
Venue: MK cafe (I will search for som upstair cafe with private room, ur recommendation are welcome)

1) Gundam@EFSF
2) longbb1129 (bring with his masterpeice Lego Gundam!!!)
3) Whitebase
4) 吉姆Q形
5) JKL
6) corn135
7) roger528
8) John Chan/ Regzzero
9) bbf1125
10) DMS
11) Alexis
12) 【喜樂 的森】
13) herolouis800528
14) solarsunshine
15) SIEG~~

... pls. follow!

roger528 發表於 12-8-2008 22:26:38


regzzero 發表於 12-8-2008 22:27:56

原帖由 whitebase 於 8-8-2008 12:31 PM 發表 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif

帶一個喜歡高達既"心" XD , 不過有什麼珍藏, 都可以同大家分享吓

推介每位大大帶同一件Gundam 相關產品及介紹一下, 大合照會好壯觀的 :handshake:

有些Gundam 產品 (toys, CD/DVD, game, 書, 贈品, etc) 我都不知道當年來頭...


Gundam@EFSF 發表於 12-8-2008 22:31:02

*尋好樓上cafe!!!*As there are so many hot-blood friends this time, I would like to seek u guys' advise on a good upstair cafe so that we could talk freely.Pls propose!:handshake:
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