JTOYZ 發表於 28-1-2009 03:33:44

全都是精品啊!:71::handshake: :handshake:

呂奉先 發表於 28-1-2009 05:57:39


將軍澳人 發表於 28-1-2009 06:26:17

1:60 好巨:70:

colus 發表於 28-1-2009 09:09:53


BlackAce 發表於 28-1-2009 09:38:39

排得好整齊, 好多正野:71:

FrTW 發表於 28-1-2009 09:46:23

so many robots :50:

呂品器 發表於 28-1-2009 09:48:24

簡直有睇極都未完既感覺 :p

cybaster 發表於 28-1-2009 11:11:01


So GREAT ar~
Thanks for sharing.

DrChanBlackJack 發表於 28-1-2009 14:40:34

really excellent and very cool collections!!!:handshake:

there should be more than 10 years collections:71:

how many cabinets are there or is it a one very very large cabinet?:58:

半田健人_555 發表於 28-1-2009 16:34:00

原帖由 DrChanBlackJack 於 28-1-2009 02:40 PM 發表 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif
really excellent and very cool collections!!!:handshake:

there should be more than 10 years collections:71:

how many cabinets are there or is it a one very very large cabinet?:58:

yeah???yeah???:shiny: :shiny: :shiny:

stephen727 發表於 28-1-2009 16:39:31

嘩-0- 由大至小都有@@

米肥 發表於 28-1-2009 18:06:53

好壯觀 :50: 睇極都仲有 :73: 以大大收藏既品種同數量, 肯定唔係櫃仔 :71:

黑色三連敗 發表於 29-1-2009 15:32:02

shun1219大大, ace06大大, kpjune大大, ed209大大, garykuga大大

俾您地估中, 我真係俾我老婆同bb突入, 所以之前post唔到圖~~~~:die:

tung523大大,mikimouse大大,gx00大大,沙宏大大,jtoyz大大,呂奉先大大, colus大大,blackace大大,frtw大大,呂品器大大,cybaster大大,stephen727大大


黑色三連敗 發表於 29-1-2009 15:35:38


It is a small cabinet only, I want to buy a big one, but the idea was banned by my master ~~~~ :help:

白魔導 發表於 29-1-2009 15:36:00

原帖由 waven 於 28-1-2009 02:41 AM 發表 http://toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif

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