發表於 29-11-2006 18:11:09
原文章由 Endy﹏℃┐ 於 29-11-2006 06:06 PM 發表
Guess you will need to read the actual magazine to really tell the different... but the colour is definiately better! PEARL WHITE!!!
發表於 29-11-2006 19:19:01
原文章由 Monutal 於 29-11-2006 06:11 PM 發表
Guess you will need to read the actual magazine to really tell the different... but the colour is definiately better! PEARL WHITE!!!
If you look carefully, the built of the right one is more detailed and looks more smarter.
The white is a little bit pearlish.
I just wondered if they would do the same thing for genesic gaigar. I just wondered if CM would do the same thing to GGGG and build a pearl white GGGG.
If CM's really does that, I will bleed again!!!
[ 本文章最後由 genesicgaogaiga 於 29-11-2006 08:22 PM 編輯 ]
發表於 29-11-2006 19:52:45
發表於 29-11-2006 20:09:33
I will bleed a lot as well... sigh... CMs is blood sucking vamper!
發表於 29-11-2006 23:52:21
我想問下starggg後面飛機的大噴器左右兩邊都唔同, 是什麼原因架
發表於 29-11-2006 23:58:26
原文章由 yotmlp 於 29-11-2006 11:52 PM 發表
我想問下starggg後面飛機的大噴器左右兩邊都唔同, 是什麼原因架
The right sided golden ringwill be detached and then combine with the right forearm during his right spinning punch attack ( broken magnum) . It is supposed that this ring may increase the power of the punch.
In GFG, this ring has become a virtual ring that comes out from his chest.
You can see it more clear from the following thread ( at 3:29)
[ 本文章最後由 genesicgaogaiga 於 30-11-2006 12:07 AM 編輯 ]
發表於 7-12-2006 14:04:45
When will S.H.E. limited edition Go-Ryu and Mightguner going to arrive... I have been waiting for ages.............................................................. :sad:
發表於 7-12-2006 16:42:02
原文章由 Monutal 於 7-12-2006 02:04 PM 發表
When will S.H.E. limited edition Go-Ryu and Mightguner going to arrive... I have been waiting for ages.............................................................. :sad:
Just talk to SupermXX on today, the limited ed. would be arriving at their wholesaler in Japan on this Saturday. So they said that these two toys should come at the end of next week ( probably next Sat) !!
May even be on the same dateof the release of EX getter 3!!:shiny:
It would be very bloody in this month!!::sad:
First no. 2, imited edition Go-Ryu, Mightgunner and Ex getter 3..............:no::no:
發表於 7-12-2006 18:32:25
I have to pick up my Goldion Hammer (SHE), Mightgunner, Go-Ryu, Edward Eric(medicom), 2x SDF-1(Wave)... sigh... I am dead.......................... all my blood are gone..........
發表於 7-12-2006 19:41:09
原文章由 Monutal 於 7-12-2006 06:32 PM 發表
I have to pick up my Goldion Hammer (SHE), Mightgunner, Go-Ryu, Edward Eric(medicom), 2x SDF-1(Wave)... sigh... I am dead.......................... all my blood are gone..........
Your case is even more severe than me.
You should be admitted to ICU!!
發表於 8-12-2006 00:58:23
I need more vitamin "M" to survive this winter rather than going to ICU and hidefrom other new toy hahahah
發表於 8-12-2006 08:30:36
其實brave saga新章的ゼッター和ガンバー, 新世紀勇者大戦的レイゼルバー, 是否都不屬於勇者系列
發表於 8-12-2006 09:38:48
發表於 8-12-2006 13:53:06
發表於 8-12-2006 14:00:37
原文章由 Vince 於 29-11-2006 03:41 PM 發表
ha ... 突然間諗到 d 野 ... 買 d set 野 除左要有 $ 有地方 之外 ... 仲要 大隻 ... 如果唔係都唔 g 點 搬 :DD
又係喎, 平閎都已經牛龜咁大盒, 食家仲要係3合一box set, 個盒咪......:cool::no: