ps2壞了很久,本想買ps3,但冇錢加冇好game加冇老翻所以唔買,不想再修理ps2(已修理過2次),次世代的現在買ps2又好傻好浪費.不知有冇work的模擬器?(以前那些都唔work) Yes, it have!But your computer must be better and better that can run the 模擬器!
Someone said before
if update the computer which can run the 模擬器,
the price can let you buy a new one more,
so.... 原帖由 玩具Kenny 於 8-11-2008 03:32 PM 發表 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif
Yes, it have!
But your computer must be better and better that can run the 模擬器!
Someone said before
if update the computer which can run the 模擬器,
the price can let you buy a new one more ...
do you have the name or downlaod link? 究竟要幾強hardware spec 先可以模擬到PS2?
連PS3 CELL B.E. (7 core) + RSX 都做唔到software emulation...
1k 買部ps2看門口都唔算貴啫! 仲有大把game出!