yip1023 發表於 30-4-2007 01:38:40

原文章由 ckwan 於 28-4-2007 09:32 PM 發表
我隻 sandman 已經唔存在囉…hohoho…
嘩:@!!好勁呀~~ 大大

原罪 發表於 30-4-2007 02:16:21

原文章由 ckwan 於 28-4-2007 09:32 PM 發表
我隻 sandman 已經唔存在囉…hohoho…


SHINJI。S 發表於 2-5-2007 02:21:53

原文章由 Hikari 於 28-4-2007 09:21 PM 發表

識貨. :shiny:
個樣好似MIB個Tommy Lee Jones.


chshshing 發表於 2-5-2007 13:48:48

原文章由 碇真嗣 於 2-5-2007 02:21 AM 發表


yip1023 發表於 2-5-2007 21:47:19

Spider-Man 3陶瓷~:!好型呀!!

sdew 發表於 3-5-2007 19:16:57

那裡有toybiz 出的spiderman 可動figure 和 其他敵人賣???????

yip1023 發表於 4-5-2007 00:49:54

原文章由 sdew 於 3-5-2007 07:16 PM 發表
那裡有toybiz 出的spiderman 可動figure 和 其他敵人賣???????

火味兒 發表於 7-5-2007 17:32:39

請問各大大, 我想訂番一d合訂本漫畫, 有沒有 website 或店舖 (我唔想去信和底層.... >_<) 呢?

1) 而又多口問句, civil war 是不是已經完了? 出了合訂本嗎?
2) 咁 justice 有沒有出合訂本呀? 我已經找不到了....
3) 仲有個本傳奇 marel zombies 邊樹有呢, 我搵來搵去都唔見入貨...

我只是剛剛對美版野有興趣, 所以找美版野不太清楚, 敬請各大大幫忙一下小弟... 謝謝!

又問...你地之前講既 spider origin 是什麼來的, 新出既series嗎?
因為我分不清邊間公司跟邊間生產商... 如果我開始接觸美版野, 應該買邊個series先呢? 我對 marel 有興趣過 DC...

而我只有 SPAWN, ICON CAPITAL AMERICA.... (見笑) :shy:

Speeder 發表於 7-5-2007 21:37:25

1) 完左啦. total 7本. 合訂本已出
2) Justice合訂本暫時只出了兩本hardcover. 每本160pages only...

我都係近幾個月先對美版野有興趣, 主要都係買合訂本(易揾同平d嗎)

SHINJI。S 發表於 7-5-2007 21:38:45

原文章由 chshshing 於 2-5-2007 01:48 PM 發表

鬼唔知咩....同佢開個KUSO D既名咋喎:o

destiny 發表於 8-5-2007 01:05:24

原文章由 chshshing 於 25-3-2007 09:05 PM 發表
今日入左綠魔個仔啦~~~~~~~~New Goblin:DD:DD
http://i60.photobucket.com/albums/h6/chshsh ...

yip1023 發表於 8-5-2007 20:29:53

S.I.C Spider-man3:DD

ultimatekuuga 發表於 8-5-2007 21:29:22

原文章由 Duraxyll 於 26-4-2007 06:39 AM 發表


thanks. What is the story with Ultimate HULK.? What changed the color of his skin? Is he bigger than the regular HULK?

I think I like the green one more.

chshshing 發表於 8-5-2007 21:34:28

原文章由 destiny 於 8-5-2007 01:05 AM 發表

Game Workshop(戰棋顏色)黑色..............:):)

Duraxyll 發表於 9-5-2007 08:48:57

原文章由 ultimatekuuga 於 8-5-2007 08:29 AM 發表

thanks. What is the story with Ultimate HULK.? What changed the color of his skin? Is he bigger than the regular HULK?

I think I like the green one more.
Very different.Wikipedia has more but I can give you the basics.Ultimate Universe is a reimagining of the regular universe(616).

In Ultimate Universe, Bruce Banner is a scientist responsible for recreating the Super Soldier Serum that strengthened Captain America.When the Ultimates (a version of the Avengers) and his ex-girlfriend taunted him, he injected a mixture of the serum mixed with Captain America's blood.Hence, he is not green.(Even though Gamma Radiation in real life is colorless)

This version of the Hulk is no hero.He is greedy, violent, cannabalistc, and lascivious.Extreme emotions stemming from Banner and also very protective of Banner.His power is seconded to Ultimate Doctor Doom.At times, he is a powerful ally...... but mostly violent and uncontrollable.Not very reliable, causing more damage than good.
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